News ID: 1083
Publish Date : 22 November 2017 - 09:15
Chairman of Iran-Italy Chamber of Commerce Said:

IKCO Negotiations with Fiat is Continuing

Pre contract between Iran and Fiat signed more than 18 months ago, but it has not been executed yet. But the chairman of Iran-Italy chamber of commerce believes that this contract could be a competitor for Peugeot and VW.
Khodrocar – Italy is known as the former commercial partner of Iran. Also, Italy was one of the first countries who sent their business group to Iran after the JCPOA to sign commercial and industrial contracts with Iranian companies.

The commercial group of Italy emphasized on the contract between IKCO and Fiat and opening a separate company with IKCO share, during their trip to Iran in the spring of 2016. They accepted the fact that Iran is not a market to sell the products, but it is a place to invest and have joint venture cooperation and Iran needs foreign investment.

Nevertheless, chairman of Iran-Italy chamber of commerce believes that Italy will invest in different industries in Iran because they are always one of Iran's commercial partners.

"Both sides of the contract have eager to execute it soon, but the contract is pending right now. Italy can help Iran in the economy and be a competitor for VW and Peugeot."  Ahmad Pour Fallah said to Khodrocar reporter.

"This contract can be executed in 2018 but this country can support Iran in different fields and it shouldn’t limit to the auto industry." He said.

"Right now, there are some obstacles in the way of this contract, but it is not related to the countries and it needs time to solve." He added. "It is not predicted that the contract will execute till the end of 2017 but we hope to see the contract execution in 2018." He said.

Khodrocar Reporter: Negar MirKarimi

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani