News ID: 4512
Publish Date : 15 January 2023 - 11:36

Tariff uncertainties are the reason for importers' irrelevance

According to the officials of the ministry of industry, the car import tariff for economic cars below 1500 cc based on the tariff book will be 10%, while in the published instructions, the car import tariff is 55, 75 and 95%, and this uncertainty is a big obstacle. It has become for the activity of importers.
Khodrocar - The lack of clear declaration of the amount of the import tariff along with the duties and commercial profit as well as the clearance period is one of the obstacles that the activists in the field of car import to enter this field have faced buts and ifs and has caused uncertainty.

After 2017 and the ban on car imports, these days when two importers are trying to enter the first shipments of registered cars, the officials of the Ministry of Industry are still involved in the details of the executive order and this has fueled the dissatisfaction of the importers so that it seems It seems that there is still no desire on their part to enter this field.

The bitter experience of coercive encounters with activists in the field of import at the same time as its ban can also be considered as one of the main reasons for the lack of motivation of importers, however, they emphasize that they are ready to import 40,000 cars if the officials of the Ministry of Industry clarify it. It exists until the end of the year.

" According to the Director General of the Automotive Office of the Ministry of Industry, the tariff considered for the import of cars will be the same as the tariff amount that is included in the tariff book, which will be equal to 10% for cars below 1500 cc. Tariffs of 55, 75 and 95% are mentioned, so it is not clear whether the tariff is included in the book or in the car import instructions.” Mehdi Dadfar, secretary of car importers association told khodrocar reorter. 

"If the tariff rate is equal to 10 or 20%, we can hope that the base price of these cars will be low, but if the supply is limited, with the increase in competition, we will see a significant increase in prices. If the tariff rate is the same as the previous rate, the base price will be so high that the rate of price increase will not be known.” He added. 

"It is not yet clear what decision the authorities have made, therefore the importers have gone ahead with the issue of car importation with more thought, so that until today none of the members of the association have been active in this field, and after holding several meetings, only two members The association has imported more than 60 cars on a pilot basis.” He said. 

"With previous experience, no importer is willing to operate unless the conditions are clearly declared and duties, the amount of tariff and commercial profit and even the amount of clearance time are also specified so that importers are willing to operate because this category of economic traders in They are currently busy with other activities.” He mentioned. 

He informs about the readiness of the activists in this area to import cars and states: if the conditions are met, there is a readiness to import 40,000 cars by the end of the year, provided that within the next two weeks, the registered cars ordered by these two importers to enter the country.

Referring to the statements made about the import of 100,000 cars by the end of the year, Dadfar says: Without a doubt, the import of this number of cars will take time, and even unloading these cars from the ship will require a lot of time. Receipt.