News ID: 4703
Publish Date : 08 January 2024 - 12:31

German Auto Suppliers Struggle with Electric Vehicle Transition

This struggle reflects not only the transformative phase of the German automotive industry but also the global narrative of a sector in flux.
Khodrocar - German auto industry suppliers, the silent cogs in the wheel of a flourishing automotive sector, are grappling with the accelerating shift towards electric vehicles (EVs). These suppliers, closely tied to the legacy of fossil fuel-powered vehicles, are finding the transition to the electrification of the industry a daunting task. As the auto market pivots to the green revolution, industry observers are expressing concerns about the suppliers’ capacity to adapt. This struggle reflects not only the transformative phase of the German automotive industry but also the global narrative of a sector in flux.

Loss in Global Market Share

A study conducted by Strategy&, a consultancy within the PwC network, reveals the potent impact of this revolution on German suppliers. The study points to a significant loss in global market share, nearly three percentage points, since 2019. This decline is a grim testimony to the challenges that the electric mobility transition presents to the suppliers, most of whom have thrived on the manufacture of parts for fossil fuel-powered vehicles.

A Web of Challenges

Rising energy, living, and borrowing costs in Europe, coupled with persistent consumer worries about charging infrastructure and battery range, significantly hamper EV adoption. Volkswagen, a prominent player in the German auto landscape, has announced curbs on the production of its electric models ID.3 and Cupra’s Born at its main EV factory in Zwickau until October 16. This decision underscores the nuanced challenges that auto manufacturers and their suppliers face in the nascent stage of the EV revolution.

The Road Ahead

The German automotive sector is at a critical juncture. The hurdles faced by suppliers, primarily small and medium-sized enterprises, underscore the need for a comprehensive strategy to facilitate the transition. As the world progressively moves towards cleaner and more sustainable modes of transport, the survival of these suppliers will depend on their ability to innovate, adapt, and align with this new direction. The broader trend of transformation within the automotive industry puts the spotlight on electric mobility, earmarking it as the key focus for future development.