News ID: 4672
Publish Date : 18 October 2023 - 11:15

The dream of cheap imports was not realized/ the possibility of 40% reduction of imported cars with mass imports

Meanwhile, recently the price of imported cars in the sales system has been announced by the Ministry of Security. A look at the calculated prices shows that there is no news of cheap imports and economic cars have also become luxury cars by taking into account the imposed costs.
Khodrocar - Although it is said that the Ministry of Security violated the price of imported cars, but consumers who blocked their money for buying these cars for more than 8 months are not in a good mood.

The prices announced by the Ministry of Industry do not include the cost of insurance, numbering, taxes and other costs, and the applicants must pay at least 50% of the amount on account by October 25 after the priorities are determined and the sales conditions are announced. 

These conditions are in Now, since last year, the promise of liberalizing imports was announced with the condition of the entry of economic cars under the name of cheap imports, in order to provide the possibility of using foreign cars for all classes. Now the announced prices have not only failed to achieve this goal, but are more for the benefit of the affluent.

In this situation, the question arises, what is the solution for cheap imports considering the current inflation?

Saeed Madani, the former CEO of Saipa Automotive Group, in an interview with Khodrokaar reporter, said: The liberalization of imports was a story that the government started last year, and although it was not clear what product would be imported at what price and at what time. He did a pre-sale for 500 million tomans, although this action was irrational from the point of view of custom, but now the principle of the case has been questioned in general and it is not clear how the cars will reach the consumers and it seems that the government is looking for It is to sew a hat for yourself from this felt, otherwise importing cheap cars is not that difficult.

Referring to cheap imports, he adds: With the announced prices, the current imported cars are sold at the price of the cars in the market, which is a violation of cheap imports and uneconomical cars, which is the reason for the accumulated demands and limited imports.

This automobile industry expert states that in the past years, we have had about 400,000 accumulated requests in the imported car sector alone, and clarifies: Meanwhile, in the past 5 years, we have had about one million accumulated requests in domestic cars, which in such circumstances The drop-in import of cars will not help to reduce the prices and regulate the market. Although currently, due to the decrease in demand and maintaining the price of the dollar, and on the other hand, the possibility of importing second-hand cars, the price inflation in the car market has burst and to some extent It has become more reasonable, but considering the inflation in the society, which will also affect the car, this spring will definitely open at some point.

He continues: Even cars that are imported at a cheap price will have a huge price difference from the market due to not reaching the real consumer and entering the speculative market. In practice, the price of imported cars is affected by the price of domestic cars and cars that are of these have been imported, it will be placed and even resolved in them unless the government issues permission to import 100 thousand cars by next month.

Emphasizing that controlling car prices for the long term will have an effect due to the existing inflation, unless measures are taken to increase domestic production, Madani states: Currently, the best solution to control the market is to help car manufacturers. It is domestic for the production of traditional cars and even cars with a new platform as well as assembly cars.

Referring to the capacity of 1,800,000 units of car production, he states: market regulation can only be achieved by compensating for the reduction of 800,000 units of production, which has led to inflammation in the market, otherwise, the current methods of selling more will be obtained.

Madani further reminds: There are various methods to import and reduce the price of cars, for example, when in the country, car manufacturers, assemblers, and even old car manufacturers have a high capacity in production, instead of importing, they do CKD work with domestic production 20 to 30 make a percentage that will be of the same quality as the imported car. This, while creating a high capacity, will save money and the car will reach the consumer with a cheaper quality.

He adds: when there are 600,000 units of excess capacity in the country, the possibility of producing CKD cars with a capacity of 20 to 30% can be provided among government and private car manufacturers. Traders import a certain number of cars with a certain quality and price. There will be the ability to buy imported cars at a 40% lower price because the price of a car that is imported individually will be completely different from the price of a car that is imported in a large group. And it will be cheaper. But when it is broken and buying is done in different time frames, it is not possible to implement the bargaining process. Meanwhile, bulk and large purchases can reach up to 50% of the single price.

Emphasizing that there is a possibility that the government's income will decrease if the price is reduced, Madani says: the automobile sector has suffered a terrible disorder, which not only has not been organized, but also no one is aware of the automobile law and from the experience of the people. It is not used, so decisions are made as necessary, while in the case of bulk purchases, there is the possibility of expert work and you can import a cheap car, but the best way to have a quality car in a competitive environment is to have car manufacturers along with traders.