News ID: 4659
Publish Date : 30 September 2023 - 09:53

Car imports become a victim of polyphony/foreign currency is the savior of used cars?

In the circumstances, allocation of foreign currency to the import of used cars as another step to facilitate the import of used cars has been approved by the first vice president, and after two years of the liberalization of car imports, only 800 cars entered the customs due to the lack of currency.
Khodrocar - After the central bank did not accept some sources of foreign exchange required for the import of used cars, which was foreseen in the regulations for the import of this category of cars, the first vice president decided to hold a meeting to determine the source of foreign currency for the import.

Pointing out that the first vice president accepted the import of used cars with foreign currency, Lotfo Elah Siahkoli, a member of the Parliament's Industries and Mines Commission, said that with this decision, Iranians abroad can also use their own currency for imports.

This decision comes at a time when the import of zero cars, which was approved at the beginning of the 13th government, is facing many challenges these days due to the lack of foreign exchange. Previously, the Association of Car Importers and activists in this field had repeatedly announced and emphasized the proposal of importing cars with foreign currency origin as one of the solutions, in a situation where the Central Bank does not have the necessary resources to supply foreign currency, with this method, imports can be Finally, it reduced a lot of false prices in the market, which was not approved for several reasons. Now, in this situation, the question is raised: in the current situation, is it not better that the recent decision of the first deputy included zero cars?

Masih Farzaneh, an expert in the automobile industry, in an interview with the Khodrocar reporter, confirms this and emphasizes that it seems that the import of used cars is only an aspect of news therapy and will never be realized.

He adds: In the letter recently issued by the Minister of Industry to the Ministry's Automotive Deputy, the regulations for the import of used cars have been accompanied by changes that will be heavy levers for the import of used cars, and one of these restrictions is the reduction of the engine size. Up to 2,500 cc has been in addition to the standard limits, and these changes must be sent to the board again to be issued as a regulation.

Emphasizing that from the beginning of the matter, I have emphasized on the non-implementation of the approval of the import of used cars, he adds: if there are going to be priorities for imports and currency is allocated for this matter, zero cars will definitely be given priority to receive foreign currency and or any decision in this regard.

Farzaneh continues: Apart from tires and some internal parts that have problems, the allocation of foreign currency should undoubtedly be allocated to zero imported cars in the first stage, for this reason, it is felt that the possibility of importing used cars with the origin of foreign currency is more important for control. The market and the announcement that used cars are not going to be imported in the form that was announced in the beginning, although it seems that used cars will not be imported in a limited way because the final regulations have not been approved and are only speculative. 

This market and automobile industry expert stated that if a decision was to be taken regarding the allocation of foreign currency or the possibility of foreign currency imports, zero imported cars should have been prioritized, although the Ministry of Industry has a policy regarding zero imports. It is based on Chinese engineered products and with the view of the Minister of Industry on electric cars, these cars will be prioritized.

He states: In the previous governments, the former ministers had this program, so it seems far from the mind that something serious will happen in this field, while a significant part of the import of zeros to China has been done based on the basket division. will be allocated, but this issue is not brought up clearly due to the negative impact of the increase in prices, in which case there is no need for foreign currency due to Iran's financial exchanges with the Chinese.

This car market expert calls this process the result of the polyphony in the Ministry of Industry and states: It seems that the issue of importing used cars is not an issue that will be realized, and even if it is realized, it will definitely not be in the desired form that affects the market. make an impact so that we see the arrival of the Land Cruiser 2023 full option car with different technical specifications.

Farzaneh reminds: If the import of used cars is to be realized, without a doubt, the priority will be the import of zero cars, although I believe that the import of zero cars will also be implemented with the policy taken by the Ministry of Industry, because according to the customs, in the first six months of this year, only 800 Cars have entered the country, while two years ago, 200,000 cars were promised to be imported, and they were supposed to enter the country by June this year. However, it seems far-fetched that 10,000 cars will arrive in the second six months of this year. imported cars to enter the country, although the regulations for importing zero-rated cars were issued earlier than the used ones, no specific currency was allocated to it.

He says: Obstacles that exist in various bodies such as numbering and other matters, importing cars is not a new story in the country and it has been happening for many years and only its standards have been updated, so it is felt that the 13th government is willing to import cars. It is not like the past and only the news of import liberalization has reduced a considerable part of the prices since the winter of last year until now. Meanwhile, with the existing inflation, the current prices are just like a joke and the market is now at the bottom.