News ID: 4651
Publish Date : 12 September 2023 - 10:29

Will history repeat for importation? / sweet dream of working with international brands

In a situation where the experience of unsuccessful entry of several well-known imported cars by automobile manufacturers has faced numerous failures, experts do not consider the re-entry of automobile manufacturers into the import field, especially the import of second-hand cars, to the benefit of the automobile industry, and they believe that the necessary attitude to import automobiles is still among Automobile manufacturers are not institutionalized.
Khodrocar - Domestic car manufacturers welcome the issue of importing second-hand cars while these companies have repeatedly expressed their opposition to this issue and emphasized that it is not possible to produce and supply parts for foreign cars inside. Also, they have not been given enough currency to import foreign car parts.

Some experts also considered the issue of car imports in the current sensitive situation to be a move in the direction of the country's enemies and ill-wishers and declared that we must accept that today we are in the middle of an economic war and raising issues such as the import of used cars in this situation, except Consumerism has no results and does not solve a problem.

On the other hand, problems such as the lack of an index for pricing, the possibility of abusing the current process, the lack of services and suitable parts are among the other problems of second-hand import, and car manufacturers and parts manufacturers emphasized that this issue is against the interests of the people and the nation, because we must To free the import of new cars and somehow facilitate the competitive environment of the car market. Now, despite the previous objections, car manufacturers announce their plan to enter the field of second-hand imports.

"For years, the import gates were blocked and heavy tariffs were imposed on imports, and we talked about self-sufficiency and emphasized that we are looking for the establishment of knowledge-based companies, and we informed consumers of 90% domestication, and we focused on exports and job creation in the automobile industry. We emphasized and now we have entered the field of second-hand imports.” Babak Sadraei, expert of auto industry told khodrocar reporter. 

"For years, the import gates were blocked and heavy tariffs were imposed on imports, and we talked about self-sufficiency and emphasized that we are looking for the establishment of knowledge-based companies, and we informed consumers of 90% domestication, and we focused on exports and job creation in the automobile industry. We emphasized and now we have entered the field of second-hand imports.” He added. 

"It is customary to import used cars everywhere in the world, and we are not against this issue, provided that a large part of the zero-kilometer car market is imported and a part is managed by used cars.” He continued. 

"The entry of government car manufacturers into the issue of second-hand imports, which have a lot of information about other devices and have extensive connections, and for years because of their support, the market has operated as a monopoly, considering the performance of car manufacturers in car imports, is not an interesting event.” He mentioned. 

"Experience has shown that the products imported by car manufacturers in the past years have failed in the worst way and had poor service, so it seems that the domestic car manufacturers' job is not to import cars, because their experience has also shown that they have never been successful in this field. have not been and the structures, infrastructure and attitude that is necessary for imported cars have not been institutionalized in these companies.” He said finally.