News ID: 4613
Publish Date : 28 June 2023 - 12:02

The quality of the missing link in the automotive industry / 56% gap in car design with good quality

In the latest report of the Majlis Research Center, the quality of the missing link of the automobile industry, the use of old platforms and the lack of use of customer feedback have been declared as the most important challenges in the field of design and a factor for the decline of the inherent quality of the automobile.
Khodrocar - In today's world, quality is not enough with the concept of flawlessness, but the customer's perception of quality and the identification and characteristics of the product, which have a direct effect on this perception, are important. Today, for car manufacturers, there is an unsolved problem in the field of inherent quality and car engineering quality. There is no left, and they have focused on improving the quality of their products with a performance beyond the minimum standards of the car.

In its latest report, the Majlis Research Center has announced the main goal of this report is to examine the chain of quality formation in the country's automotive industry with a pathological approach in order to achieve solutions for improving and improving quality in this industry. The results of this study indicate that "using old platforms and not using customer feedback" as the most important challenge in the field of design, has caused the decline of the inherent quality of the car.

On the other hand, "lack of standards and comprehensiveness of mandatory guidelines governing production parts" and "lack of specific guidelines under strict supervision" as well as "issuance of cooperative licenses due to the priority of production over quality" are among the most important challenges in the field, respectively. Parts supply and assembly area. Also, among the most important challenges in the field of sales and after-sales services, we can mention "failure to monitor the strict implementation of existing instructions" and "failure to anticipate customer needs". It is very important to mention that the direct financial relationship between the inspection companies and the automobile company is also mentioned as one of the basic challenges of the field of supervision in this industry.

According to a part of this report, according to the regulations for improving the quality of light vehicles approved by the Ministry of Industry, all car suppliers are required to act in such a way that the level of customer satisfaction with the durability quality does not decrease by more than 5 percent compared to the initial quality of each product. The results of the investigation and report of Bazsi Quality and Standard Company of Iran show that in most of the cars investigated in August 1401, the level of customer satisfaction with the durability quality compared to the initial quality of each product has decreased by more than 5%, on average by 9.5%.

In a part of this report, the current safety status of domestically manufactured cars has been discussed. In this report, according to the World Health Organization, the cost of road accidents in most countries is equal to three percent of their gross domestic product, which is in our fault. It is estimated up to 7%. Today in the country, the number of people killed in traffic accidents with a share of 6.5% of the total number of deceased, has taken the third place among the causes of death in the country. In the situation where most of the world's leading car manufacturers have 4 to 5 safety stars or higher, the average score of domestically produced cars is estimated to be less than 3 safety stars out of 5 stars for some newly produced cars.

In this report, it is emphasized that during the last seven years (1394 to 1400), the customers of the automobile industry registered the highest level of dissatisfaction with the after-sales services of car manufacturers in 2018. Although this dissatisfaction has decreased in the years 2019 and 2019, the level of customer dissatisfaction with sales services is still more than 10.5% apart from the reduction of the target of the Ministry of Industry.

The results of the evaluation of 42 car supplier companies in 2019 show that the after-sales service system of none of the companies under evaluation does not fully comply with the requirements of the executive regulations of the car consumer protection law. The main neglected parameters in the field of after-sales service system in compliance with the laws can be mentioned as non-payment of car damage, non-replacement of the car in case of repeated defects, and ineffectiveness of some executive processes in the field of after-sales service headquarters. The main reasons for stopping the car are related to the inadequacies in the ordering and supply of spare parts.

In this report, the current state of quality in five different stages of the formation chain of the automobile industry (in terms of percentage) has been published in a summary form. In each of these five stages, the optimal level of quality equal to the number 100 has been considered, based on the state of quality in design in the industry. The car is estimated at 44%, which is 56% away from the desired quality threshold.

The state of parts supply is 56%, the state of the production line is 58%, the state of sales is 57%, and the state of after-sales service is estimated at 60%, all of which are significantly far from the ideal state.

Also, according to this report, design has the greatest distance from the optimal level at a distance of 56% compared to other stages, and at the same time, it has the most importance and impact on the quality of the car. Also, the stage of supplying parts is at a distance of 44% from the optimal situation and The second stage is effective and has a high contribution to the final quality of the car. The product production line is 42% away from the ideal situation and the third stage affecting the final quality of the car has been determined. The two stages of sales and after-sales services are also 43% and 40% away from the ideal situation, respectively.