News ID: 4610
Publish Date : 24 June 2023 - 10:55

Unsuccessful processing of worn-out cars/ complaints arose from the lack of government coordination

Meanwhile, in recent weeks, Iran's Industrial Development and Modernization Organization (IDRO) has been appointed as the head of the renovation and scrapping of used cars in the country.
Khodrocar - The Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade, through a notification in line with the notification of the law amending Article 10 of the Law on Organizing the Automobile Industry, assigned the responsibility for the management and executive measures of the scrapping of automobiles to the Organization for Development and Modernization of Industries of Iran, and by forming a headquarters in this regard, it was responsible for the implementation of this matter by Idro emphasized.

The correct implementation of scrapping worn-out vehicles is one of the most effective and economical ways to manage and control air pollution in metropolises, and according to reports, there are currently more than 10 million vehicles on the verge of wear and tear in the country, which indicates the need for new action in this regard.

This situation is that in the past years, the duty of scrapping cars was with the association related to this issue, and with the provision of legal clauses, the removal of scrapped cars was on the agenda, so that at the time of the liberalization of car imports before 2019, the importer was obliged. For every imported car, two cars should be scrapped, which was well underway with the provision of this legal clause. But from this year onwards and at the same time as the ban on importing cars on the pretext of currency restrictions, there was no legal clause in the field of car scrapping, so the scrapping itself stopped until the government obliged the car manufacturers to scrap cars in exchange for the production of Numerous consultations of car manufacturers under the pretext of increasing production costs, the 12th government for the second time canceled the decree requiring domestic car manufacturers to scrap cars.

  On November 2021, the law to organize the automobile industry was approved in the parliament. Clause 10 of this law clearly dealt with the issue of scrapping worn-out cars and emphasized that "traffic, transportation of goods and passengers by motor vehicles is prohibited after reaching old age in metropolises." Note 2 of this paragraph also obliges car manufacturers to obtain scrapping certificates. It was stated in this note; "Car and motorcycle manufacturers inside the country are required to obtain an equivalent car or motorcycle scrapping certificate from the scrapping centers for every four cars or motorcycles produced."

However, the Ministry of Industry did not agree with such a requirement for car manufacturers and believed that there might be a shortage of scrapping certificates, and in addition, the costs of car manufacturers would also increase. However, this was not the first time that the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade opposed the scrapping of cars by car manufacturers, because before this, Mohammad Shariatmadari, as the Minister of Industry of the 12th government, on the first day of his ministry, sent a letter to Jahangiri demanding the cancellation of car scrapping by Domestic car manufacturers.

Therefore, there was no provision for scrapping cars, and this led to the accumulation of scrapping certificates and the widespread closure of many of these centers. In the last days of last year, the Research Center of the Islamic Council published a report on the amount of used cars and the amount of vehicles. He announced that more than 10 million devices are used up in Iran and emphasized that 85% of the abortion centers in Iran have been closed.

In the last few years, due to car manufacturers escaping from the implementation of this decree and stopping the import of cars, the decommissioning of used cars has slowed down and the circulation of car production has also decreased, and these factors have caused the problem of used cars to become acute.

It is expected that there are more than 150,000 used products in the country only in the field of commercial vehicles and trucks. Therefore, with the worsening of this situation, the Ministry of Industry decided to make Idro as the custodian of decommissioning old cars, while this development organization has much bigger tasks than this issue.

It seems that the dispute between the Scrapping Association and the Ministry of Industry has increased since last year, at the same time as the new scrapping law and the amount of payment for scrapping each car were determined.

Last year, the former spokesman of the Ministry of Industry announced that in order to encourage the owners of used cars, a proposal was made to deposit 1.5% of the price of manufactured products of automobile companies in order to provide the necessary resources to facilitate the owners of used cars, but the association had a different opinion and this He declared the amount insufficient.

  Mahmoud Mashhadi Sharif, the head of the car scrapping centers trade association of the country, said that considering that four new cars are to be numbered, one used car will be retired. Paying 1.5% of the price of manufactured products at the origin cannot create an incentive for the owners of used cars, so if the policymaker wants to accelerate the process of exiting used cars, he should increase the percentage considered for the payment by the automobile companies, which is the opinion of the association. It is three percent.

Therefore, the scrapping work was assigned to Idro, but due to the delay in the work and the site not being prepared, this resulted in the closure of the scrapping centers and the complaints of the activists in this field, but yesterday the head of the fleet renewal and scrapping of used cars announced that the first series of cars in The new numbering system was introduced to the traffic police. Now we have to see who will be the winner in this exchange.

  Undoubtedly, non-governmental associations and organizations with the support of related ministries can be more efficient in this field, the Ministry of Industry has involved a development organization in such matters without considering this issue and highlighting the private sector.