News ID: 4591
Publish Date : 16 May 2023 - 10:27

Suspending assemblies behind the light of the competition council/ supporting production or populist pricing

The tasteful performance of the competition council in the automobile industry intensified this time when it entered the field of pricing of assembled cars, and finally, with the explicit opposition of private car manufacturers and resistance to the application of the council's non-expert opinions, it was approved that the car manufacturers of this sector would be allowed to sell their products for up to one year. have their production at the price of last year's February.
Khodrocar - A decade of policies of the Competition Council in the automobile field has put this great industry on the verge of destruction and now it is the turn of the private sector automobile manufacturers to suffer the same fate, with the difference that unlike the government automobile manufacturers, these companies do not enjoy government support and hidden subsidies. . The result of the competition council's policies was the transformation of the car from a consumer product to a capital product, which caused that until today, no one, neither the producer, nor the consumer, nor even the high-ranking government officials are satisfied with the state of this industry.

The Competition Council's entry into the pricing of assembled cars comes at a time when, according to the statistics announced by the Ministry of Industry last year, the share of private car manufacturers in the car market and industry has reached more than 15%, and the managers of the car, Bahman and Kerman Motor have the largest share. They have allocated this amount so that these three companies keyed the growth of private sector production in the first half of last year. A look at the amount of investment made by these three companies shows high employment generation, which undoubtedly indicates the positive approach of the private sector to the workforce.

This is while in the past years and due to the imposition of heavy sanctions against the automobile industry, this sector was able to avoid the bankruptcy of this industry by bypassing the sanctions, but also by developing the product relying on cooperation with its foreign partners. in this industry. In such a situation, the unfortunate entry of the Competition Council into the pricing of these products, due to its not so impressive and even negative history in the public sector, intensified the concerns.

The losses of thousands of billions of tomans in the automotive industry due to the entry of the Competition Council into the field of government car pricing with the aim of eliminating the monopoly are still in the minds, and in this situation, the re-entry of this council was cold water on the shoulders of the automobile industry and the automakers who rely on their own capital and not oil revenues. , are trying to develop the automobile industry.

Therefore, the resistances regarding the implementation of the assembly car pricing resolution continued until the last two days, by holding joint meetings between the private sector car manufacturers, the Competition Council and Sarman, there was mutual support. New calculations to sell their products for one year at the price of February 1401.

In this session, the exchange rate is based on the calculation of the announced prices of the Competition Council, 28,500 Tomans, and in order to apply the current rate of 43,000 Tomans, new calculations must be done, while salary increases and other matters must also be taken into account in the new calculations.

This decision was taken while previously the private car manufacturers had given the necessary warnings about the possibility of reducing production and shutting down the company and finally adjusting the manpower and emphasized the need to review the pricing method.

Mandatory pricing and policies are a big pest that has faced various industries and the entire economy with strange challenges, and the strange thing about this story is that these actions were carried out under the slogan of supporting production and eliminating monopoly, while the distribution of large rents is based on mandating pricing in Various industries, including automobiles, do not fit the slogan of supporting production.