News ID: 4552
Publish Date : 27 February 2023 - 21:04

Trying to maintain the value of money against inflation of more than 50%

The pre-sale plan of imported cars started with many uncertainties and it is considered as an irrational deal as the government seeks to compensate for the lack of liquidity in the last days of the year by relying on this income and the applicants also seek to maintain the value of the currency in the current situation.
Khodrocar - The integrated pre-sale system of imported cars started its work on Saturday, while there were many flaws and uncertainties in this sales model, and the website activity was also accompanied by many flaws, but it is said that the reception of this plan was good. .

The story of pre-sale of imported cars started with the comments of the spokesperson of the Ministry of Industry in the past few days. According to the plan made by this ministry, it was decided that the applicants to buy imported cars will receive their cars by entering a system and completing the quarterly registration. Therefore, the applicants should freeze the amount of 500 million Tomans in their proxy account, until the right of priority is determined and complete and deposit the initial amount based on the turn specified for the cars that will be offered and registered.

According to the manager of the car import plan of the Ministry of Industry, in the registration plan for the purchase of imported cars, according to the number of registrations, a decision will be made regarding the supply of foreign cars, but at least 100 thousand cars will be sold in a period of 6 months.

Having a license, not having an active car license plate, and not buying a car in the last 48 months are among the conditions that applicants must have, while it is not possible for them to transfer the document for up to a year.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Trade has also announced that the delivery of 90% of imported registered cars is three months, and there is a possibility that 5% of them will be delivered immediately and 5% of them will be delivered in six months.

This pre-sale model was started and met with a good reception while the examination of all angles of this plan shows that such a sale is irrational, but the fact that people are willing to block 500 million tomans of their capital for several months in such a situation is undoubtedly Goals such as the hope of increasing the inflation of these cars and maintaining the value of money.

There are a lot of criticisms of this pre-sale model. Meanwhile, Saeed Madani, the former CEO of Saipa Automobile Group, in an interview with a reporter from Autocar, calls this model of transaction irrational and says: the action of the Ministry of Security to sell imported cars based on There are problems with this model from the Sharia and legal point of view, while the model, price, delivery time, as well as the manner and time of delivery and after-sales service of these cars are also ambiguous.

He adds: the subject of the transaction is not clear, and the reality of the matter is not clear, while in order to make a transaction, the price, conditions of sale, profit of participation or withdrawal, etc. Eid night has taken place.

Referring to the fluctuation of the dollar price, this expert of the automobile industry states: Usually, government expenses increase in the last days of the year, and finally, the government increases the dollar price with the aim of providing liquidity.

Madani by raising the question that if the market is facing a shortage of currency, then why is the sale of 5 thousand euros per person predicted? He continues: Therefore, it seems that the pre-sale of imported cars is also done with the purpose of funding, while this type of transaction will be subject to fainting in the transaction, so the discussion on this sales model is not very fruitful.

He adds: According to the plans, 100,000 cars were supposed to be imported this year, which was not realized in practice, so the conclusion is that the current sales model is being carried out only with the aim of compensating the budget deficit.

This auto industry expert also says about the reasons for the behavior of the buyers of this sales model: buyers have registered in this sales plan with the aim of preserving the value of their money, while there are now many stray funds in the market and Instead of directing these funds to the stock market, the government has directed them to the goods market.

Madani adds: In the conditions of inflation and successive changes in the price of currency, buying goods brings more profit than buying currency and coins, so buying goods in the medium term is much more profitable because the government tried to keep the price constant for some periods. currency, gold and coins, but inflation is still there, so buying a car in the condition of stable exchange rate is subject to inflation and its price increases, while at the same time as the price of gold and coins increases, its value is affected, so both inflation and It is also affected by the jumps in the dollar rate, that's why there are many fans of buying these cars.

Referring to the 2-fold increase in the price of second-hand foreign cars in the market in the last three months, this expert in the automobile industry says: These cars have seen a 100% price increase in the last three months, so the car is also included in this category of goods. Due to the limitation of production and the limitation of import, it includes price increase, so the government takes such actions with the aim of earning income.

He continues: Most likely, the car will be imported and the government will make a profit from this, so the government is asking the people to solve its budget deficits, otherwise scholars and authorities should emphasize that this model of Is the deal correct or not?