News ID: 4524
Publish Date : 27 January 2023 - 11:53

The end of the car supply conflict in the stock exchange with the support of the government

In a situation where the Competition Council has again demanded to enter the field of pricing in the automobile industry, it seems that this time the government, along with the Supreme Council of the Stock Exchange, has become a serious supporter of automobile manufacturers, and the Competition Council's hand will remain short of automobile pricing for the time being.
Khodrocar - After the success of the car supply in the stock market, which few people expected, the objections to continue this process and stop this supply rose so that the Competition Council intervened and discovered the price of the car as in the past.

Opponents believe that the stock exchange has not been able to help reduce prices and only car manufacturers benefit from this platform, while a look at the prices of cars offered on the commodity exchange indicates their decline.

In such a promising situation, the competition council has demanded to stop the supply of cars in the stock market, and on the basis of this, the resistance to the continuation of the supply of cars on the one hand and the efforts of the car manufacturers to continue the supply on the other hand continue, so that the car manufacturers have requested the inspection organization in the latest action. to stop the supply of cars in the stock market.

Therefore, on Tuesday, a meeting was held in the stock exchange organization focusing on the car supply situation, and finally a decision was taken to continue the supply.

In a letter addressed to Noorani, the head of the competition council, Majid Tawangar, a member of the supervisory parliament in the Supreme Council of the Nair Stock Exchange, said about the disadvantages of the entry of this council into the automobile industry in the past years and emphasized that before the entry of the competition council, the automobile industry had a share of 10 percent of the gross domestic product. but with the wrong pricing policy that is recommended in global experience and basic economic literature only for monopolistic industries, the share of this industry has reached below 2% of GDP.

Referring to the request of the head of the competition council to withdraw the car from the commodity exchange, he stated that the withdrawal of the cars that were approved this year by the Supreme Council of the Stock Exchange and through all the legal and regulatory procedures, including approval by the Board of Acceptance of the Stock Exchange and Securities Organization have been offered, it has no legal documentation, nor is it logical.

Tawanger further described the policy of mandatory pricing and lottery as the worst industrial policy that has no history in any country.

At the same time, the competition council has also issued a notice by holding a meeting. In this notice, it is emphasized that the structure of the country's car market is due to restrictions on the supply side (production, import), unnecessary laws and regulations and chronic inflationary conditions in Iran's economy, currency fluctuations and speculative approach in the markets including the car market and other related components. The market has no optimal solution and therefore the Competition Council is trying to plan and operate the best version for managing the car market in the current situation, in both the short term and the long term. This council continues to emphasize that the car market is an example of a monopoly market and is subject to paragraph 5 of this article, and therefore the basis of car pricing will be the cost plus fair profit model. The variety in the market, cars are no longer classified as exclusive goods.

But it seems that the government's statement about this is a seal to the end of this conflict. Bahadri Jahormi, the spokesperson of the government yesterday, on the sidelines of the meeting of the government board, criticized the interference of the competition council in the field of entering the stock market and emphasized that the regulatory bodies should not put pressure on the expert groups.

He added that if the brokers want to have an impact and the profits go to the pockets of the brokers, or if, for example, pressure is put on expert and specialized institutions by regulatory bodies or any group that wants to make a decision by applying pressure, naturally the effect will be the continuation of the situation that In recent years, we have had problems with cars, so any method that is in the interest of the people should be applied, and we should allow expert institutions to make their own expert decisions, and the government will not interfere in the field of expertise and expertise.