News ID: 4508
Publish Date : 10 January 2023 - 13:21

Domestic competition increased with imports to be offered on the stock exchange / the price of listed cars fell in the open market

The acceptance of the first shipment of imported cars in the commodity exchange was done while these days we are witnessing the drop in the prices of the cars offered in the commodity exchange in the open market, and on the other hand, car manufacturers are outdoing each other to supply various cars in the stock exchange in order to make a profit.
Khodrocar - At the same time, the objections regarding the supply of cars in the commodity exchange have increased and the members of the parliament, who once sought to discover the real price of the car and remove middlemen from the market by presenting a plan to organize the car and supply it in the stock market, these days, these days, the ineffectiveness of this plan They have emphasized and believe that the supply of cars in the stock market is ineffective in reducing prices and this situation should be considered!

These statements are while looking at the prices in the market after the sale of the same cars in the stock market indicates something else and it shows that the cars sold in the commodity exchange have been accompanied by a price decrease and the cars not sold have been accompanied by an increase in price. The comparison of the dollar price of three high-circulation cars shows well how the release of Peugeot 207 in the commodity exchange has reduced the price of this car, and while the dollar price of Peugeot 206 and Dena has been increasing over the past 5 years, the buyers of Peugeot 207 in the commodity exchange They have been able to buy this car cheaper in terms of dollars compared to 2016.

This is while less than 2% of manufactured cars are sold on the commodity exchange and it is expected that with the increase and variety of cars sold on the commodity exchange, a further price reduction will occur in the car market. Peugeot 207 can be an example of the impact of the commodity exchange on He knew the cheapness of the car.

The review of the latest Peugeot 207 transaction in the commodity exchange on Sunday, January 8, shows that the final price of this car for the customer was about 180 million tomans cheaper than the open market, so that the base price of this car is 280 million tomans and the price It was discovered that it was more than 433 million tomans, while on December 18, the base price was 480 million tomans and the price in the open market was 710 million tomans.

Changan will be offered by Saipa, which can undoubtedly be attractive to customers and Saipa Automotive Group. On the other hand, Iran Khodro is looking to launch 5,000 Dana machines on Sunday, January 25.

According to the plans, this number of white Dena Plus manuals with a base amount of 189,500,000 Tomans, with 100% prepayment and with a delivery date of March 27, will be offered in the stock market. have also been accepted in the commodity exchange, because according to the car import regulations, the imported goods must also be priced upon acceptance in the commodity exchange. Private companies have also had a strong presence in the stock market by offering Fidelity, Cara, Lamari, etc., and contrary to expectations, it seems that the profit from discovering the real price of the car has been able to create a lot of motivation for the car manufacturers.

This situation is when it was said that the competition council should determine the basic price of cars offered in the commodity exchange. The competition council has announced its latest statements in the specialized working group of the car, it announces the instructions on how to calculate the cost price and the profit of the car, and it does not claim to set the price of the car, and the opinion of the specialized working group, which is announced as an expert, may be used, or It seems that in the case of continued supply and greater variety, the gap between the factory price and the market will reach the lowest level, provided that some obstacles in this direction are removed.