News ID: 4499
Publish Date : 02 January 2023 - 11:14

A look at the future of the automobile industry in 2023/ forecasting the growth of demand at the same time as economic growth

Perhaps last year can be considered a different year for the world's automobile industry, an industry that after the spread of Corona and the lack of electronic chips suddenly witnessed the growth of demand that could not be met due to several reasons.
Khodrocar - The long-term delivery of cars, the stoppage of production and its reduction in 2022, which originated from the Corona disease and the war between Russia and Ukraine, were among the main events of the world automobile industry last year. The effects of this happened in Iran's automobile industry as well, and now, with the improvement of production conditions on the one hand and the reduction of disease on the other hand, the new year is expected to be a better year for all industries, especially the automobile industry.

"Last year, although the epidemic of the corona virus decreased, it showed its effects in all sectors, including the automobile industry, and the two-year conflict with the corona disease left its mark. On the other hand, the beginning of Russia's war with Ukraine was another important event that led to the increase in energy prices, which changed the course of relations.” Babak Sadraei, expert of auto industry told khodrocar reporter.

"Currently, due to the lack of chips, the delivery of cars in the world is delayed by 3 to 4 months and there is no car for immediate delivery. Meanwhile, at the beginning of last year, at the same time as the spread of Corona virus, the demand for cars and other goods decreased significantly. It increased significantly and caused shipping and logistics all over the world to be affected by this demand because there was no ability to deliver this amount of demand, which gradually decreased.” He added.

"Experience has shown that these countries always learn from the events that have happened and plan for new situations, so it is expected that if the developments in the world become more normal and the intensity of the war between Russia and Ukraine decreases and towards a short-term ceasefire move, and at the same time, with the decline of the corona disease, investment and planning for production will increase. With the detailed planning that occurs in economic superpowers and leading countries, 2023 will of course be a better year.” He said.

"Let's not forget that the fragments of Corona as a biological war that can be called a world war will remain for years and the effects of economic recession, economic crises and energy crisis, which although extensive planning to deal with It has been done, it is still visible, but it is possible that it will take two to three years for the economic conditions of the world to return to normal.” He continued.

"During the corona era, businesses were closed and governments predicted heavy budgets as social grants for the people, which imposed heavy costs on their economy, but the nature of the automobile industry is to move forward and the world's population It is increasing, and Southeast countries including India, China, Indonesia, which have the highest population rates, are becoming consumer countries, so when this market exists, this need must be met with the presence of quality products and regular system technology.” He said.

Regarding the possibility of an increase in demand for cars in the new year, Sadraei says: When countries with large populations, most of which are Asian, see economic growth, this growth will form a new class, and cars are among these demands, so it is expected. To face more demand.

Emphasizing that it is normal to expect an increase in car demand in the new year, this auto industry expert says: the current demand is higher than the demand 10 years ago, and a large part of this demand is created by the growing economies of India and China. Since economic growth is increasing and countries such as Indonesia, Vietnam and Southeast countries are experiencing this economic growth, subconsciously, in the future, there will be more demand for cars and consumer goods, perhaps in markets such as Britain, America and Canada, which A saturated market does not see a large amount of demand and a constant annual rate is seen, but in developing countries, they form a class in economic growth that needs more consumer goods.