News ID: 4424
Publish Date : 22 October 2022 - 15:05

Auto parts manufacturers are the main customers of automobile manufacturers' stocks

Meanwhile, according to the activists of the automobile industry, the loss of this industry has reached more than 120 thousand billion tomans, and despite the emphasis put forth in the field of privatization of the automobile industry, not only has no operational action been taken yet, but there is still no determination to realize this.
Khodrocar - Recording losses of thousands of billions in the automobile industry, which was keyed by the initiation and continuation of mandatory pricing, continues these days despite the improvement of conditions in this industry. Experts believe that this situation will not be improved except by privatization and removal of mandatory pricing from this industry, but despite this, no practical action has been taken in this field yet.

On the other hand, this question is raised that despite the announcement of the car manufacturers that they continue to make losses for the production of each vehicle, why is there not only no will to transfer the shares, but also by ordering pricing, the losses of this industry are further fueled?

Currently, the debt of automobile manufacturers to the supply chain has not only not decreased, but we are witnessing an increase in the amount of this debt day by day. Therefore, a proposal to improve this situation is to transfer the shares of automobile manufacturers to parts manufacturers, which is said to be proposed by the parts industry activists. 

Mohammadreza Najafi Manesh, the head of Part Manufacturing association, in an interview with the Khodrocar reporter, referring to the emphasis made by the government and parliament and even the president regarding privatization in the automobile industry and the transfer of shares of automobile manufacturers, says: From the 8 presidential decrees in March of last year, the privatization of the automobile industry was realized, but despite this, there are still resistances in this direction.

"This is the situation where the government is now claiming that the automobile industry has brought him nothing but trouble, but this handover has been delayed until now, while this important decision should be made as soon as possible.” He added. 

This part industry activist, emphasizing the necessity of privatization and removal of mandatory pricing in the automobile industry as the main necessities of this industry, states: This year, despite the improvement of the production situation and the growth of circulation, the automobile industry continues to lose money and with the production We mostly see an increase in the loss rate of this industry.

Najafi Menesh states that the current debt of automobile manufacturers to parts makers is about 47 thousand billion tomans: this is while car manufacturers owe about 25 thousand billion tomans to the banking system and despite the announced plans to settle this debt, it seems Even if there is no input, the output will also decrease. Therefore, it seems that the only way to compensate for this loss is to offer the car in the commodity exchange so that we can see the real prices.

The head of the Association of Homogeneous, Power Drive and Parts Manufacturing Association continues: Although it will take a long time to compensate for this loss, but according to the law, the government must take action to compensate for this loss, which is caused by mandatory pricing, which in practice it avoids doing so. Because according to the law, the government starts pricing an order that ultimately leads to losses, it must take action to compensate it.

He further stated regarding the readiness of the parts makers to buy the shares of the automobile manufacturers: Currently, this preparation exists and we have announced our request in this regard, but the government must take a serious decision to privatize the automobile industry in order to continue the proposed proposals. has been investigated in this context.

Referring to the numerous meetings held regarding the transfer of shares of car manufacturers, Najafi Manesh adds: In these meetings, it was emphasized that the mechanisms for the transfer of shares of car makers are being prepared, so we should hope that the first steps of privatization of this industry will be taken soon.