News ID: 3613
Publish Date : 26 April 2019 - 09:24

Challenges of Tire Industry continues to this year/ Will Iran's Tire Manfacturing develop?

Tire market was infected by the currency turbulence and America’s sanctions in last year and passed different challenges. Drivers confronted with high prices and some of them stocked tires for the future.
Khodrocar - Tire market was infected by the currency turbulence and America’s sanctions in last year and passed different challenges. Drivers confronted with high prices and some of them stocked tires for the future. 

In any word, shortage in the market and high prices, were the main problems of the transportation in last year. 

"Manufacturers produce tire market demands, but market management is not the responsibility of them, and regulatory units should enter into that and prevent market offenses.” Mohammad Reza Ganji, manager of Tire Manufacturers association told khodrocar reporter. 

"The tire industry, as one of the rooted industries in Iran, is now facing a lot of problems. The first problem is supplying raw materials, equipment and components. Currency supply, currency allocation, ability to send currency, and the arrival of money from foreign dealers are problems that can’t be ordered in a single version.” He added. 

"Iranian tweets must have access to world-class equipment and technologies for the development of their business. Unfortunately, in recent years, for many reasons, such as sanctions, the tire industry has not been able to access these technologies.” He said. 

"Tire industry activists can connect with the past to provide the field of import of raw materials, as well as expanding the activities of the Instax (the new financial mechanism of Europe), many problems in the country's industries, including the tire industry, are solved.” He continued. 

Manufacturing of domestic factories can produce tires for the country in the field of riding cars, but it is needed for heavy vehicles such as trucks and buses. Experts in the field believe that although the quality of foreign tires is better, but with the support of this industry, the field of quality improvement can be improved and even in the field of heavy-duty tire. Also, the difference in the price of imported tires with domestic counterparts can be an incentive to buy domestic products.