News ID: 3465
Publish Date : 07 December 2018 - 09:55

The Project of Removing Importation from Auto Industry will Complete/ Woes of Importers from the Government’s Decisions

The continuation of vehicle importation ban till next year will make the condition worst and may close them all.
Khodrocar - importation is a challenging topic in auto industry and most experts think that ministry of industry hasn’t had a perfect plan to organize this section in the years and importers had problems every time.

Importing vehicle is consuming lots of currency and this is a reason to ban importation but in the current condition that auto market is exclusive and have poor quality, importation can make a competitive market to improve local products.

In recent years activity of vehicle importation companies expanded and variety of cars was good but governments wanted to control or supervise the auto industry so they announced different instructions to interfere in importation.

Currently, most of cases of importers are under investigation and they maybe a readon for opposites to forbid vehicle importation completely.

"The project of removing importers from auto industry began long time ago. First removing grey markets then limiting order registration and now banning importation are their tries to ban importation” Mehdi Dadfar, secretary of vehicle importers association told khodrocar reporter.

"The plan of the government for supporting local production by banning importation was not effective. However the importation has been limited but local vehicles don’t have high quality and even local production has faced different problems after sanctions.” He added.

"16 thousand cars are stocked in customs but the government is not making decision about them. They don’t answer us and their behavior to importers in passed 18 months is making importation to stop forever.” He said.

"Importers should fulfill their promises and customers are dissatisfied. Sudden decisions are choking the vehicle importation and probably the ban continues to next year and conditions would be worst.” He continued.

Khodrocar Reporter : Hadi Sianaki

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani