News ID: 3322
Publish Date : 23 September 2018 - 08:29

Worn-Out Vehicles are the Main Reason of Fuel Consumption Increment?

Worn out vehicles, fuel trafficking, price fluctuation, high rate of travels and other things are the reasons for Iran’s high rate of fuel consumption. But the real question is what would be the main reason for this matter?
Khodrocar – Last August the record of fuel consumption broke and it was announced that summer trips was the reason but then in the beginning of the fall the record broke again and then again at the beginning of spring. Most of experts believe that worn out vehicles are the reason for the fuel consumption but others blame the lack of culture of using public transportation. But really what is the main reason for this matter?

Among all reasons, worn out vehicles are blaming the most because according to the recent statistics form standard organization more than 900 thousand worn out vehicle are riding in the streets of the country.

As the second half of the year began and students back to schools we have to wait for another record breaking year and unhealthy condition of the air because nothing happened to renew the vehicle fleet in the past year. Also, as the importation banned we have to wait for more worn out cars to ride in the streets.

With the continued ban on car imports and as the local manufacturers are not responsible to scrap worn out cars in what will happen to the fuel consumption? According to the statistics there are 3.2 million worn out vehicle among all 16 million cars in the country.

"In the first half of the year only 30 thousand cars were scrapped and if the custom problems continue then only 50 thousand worn out cars would scrap in the rest of the year however this number was near 200 thousand vehicles in the past year.” Saeed Nikdar, president of fuel headquarter told Khodrocar reporter. ”The current problem is importation ban and scrapping vehicle is depending on it. Unnecessary consumption is because of currency disparities, increased smuggling and, eventually, not scrapping worn out cars.”

According to the statistics, the average of fuel consumption in Iran is 8.7 liter per 100 km and this number is 5.5 in the world which will decrease in the future. Also fuel consumption had an increase of 9.6 percent compare to the last year.

Khodrocar Reporter: Negar Mir Karimi

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani