News ID: 3310
Publish Date : 21 September 2018 - 08:16

Auto Contracts Which Became History

Expand of auto contracts was delightful in the first days but after that the hard part begun and now the exit of Iran’s partners approved and the contracts became history.
Khodrocar  – There were 3 years for Iranian companies to sign joint venture contracts with their foreign partners. Among all contracts IKCO and Peugeot, Renault and IDRO, Saipa and Citroen and VW with private sector were more significant but from all of these contracts only IKAP had a result.

Renault gone, Bon Ro no result

The contract between Renault and Bon Ro was one of the most important contracts of after the JCPOA and it could result in a bright and high quality future of auto industry. However, after the French exits Iran nothing happened to it.

Citroen left soon

French are an old partner of Iran’s auto industry and after the JCPOA they came to sign contracts and it was planned that Citroen will produce C3 in Kashan but right after the first party were ready to hit the roads sanctions returned and Peugeot announced its exit and Citroen left too.

Unclear status of Fiat

The contract of Fiat with Iran never found a result however Italy is one of Iran’s best economic partners. Italians were the first people who traveled to Iran after the JCPOA and signed different contracts and it was hoped to produce near 2 million cars per a year.

Khodrocar Reporter: Negar Mir Karimi

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani