News ID: 2975
Publish Date : 15 July 2018 - 09:27

A Boom in Vehicle Prices: Vehicle Market Organization Plan Fails?

Islamic Parliament of Iran wants to handle the vehicle organization case but are they going to implement this plan successfully?
Khodrocar – Since the first days of May, Islamic Parliament of Iran decided to organize the vehicle market but their plan was not implemented in the right time, when it was necessary.

Parliament approved the plan but nobody considered implementing it until the boom in vehicle prices. The plan, which was in order to monitor the vehicle pricing, is now going to be investigated at a public session of the parliament.

Currently the vehicle industry needs to follow up Iran Khodro and Saipa infractions and SABTARESH shutdown. This investigation need to be implemented both is domestic and imported car market, because both markets are affecting each other.

Since the beginning of this year, imported cars have experienced price increments between 50 to 80 percent, while domestic vehicles have experienced a slight increase of 20%. Vehicle organization plan needs to control these ridiculous price increments.
Mohammadreza Najafi, Member of Parliament, emphasized on transparency in the automotive industry during supply, production and sale procedure.

Customers, carmakers and part manufacturers are beneficiaries of vehicle organization plan. Now the question which authorities are the hopes for the implementation of this plan?

Vali Maleki, member of industry commission of the parliament tells Khodrocar regarding the issue: "In this plan of Parliament, investigation of vehicle market organization is considered.”

He emphasizes: "Currently, the car market is being observed but the parliament wants to cover all aspects of it.”

Khodrocar – 20 days passed since the ban of vehicle imports and the market is still silent against the price fluctuations of cars on the secondary market. Now the parliament wants to handle this situation, but this time, one day delay means the price increment. An increment that will never decrease again.

Khodrocar Reporter: Negar MirKarimi
Khodrocar Translator: Maziyar Jafarieh