News ID: 2755
Publish Date : 03 June 2018 - 09:32

The Confusion of Part Makers Continues

Part industry is too weak these days and each industrial decision, hurt them and some of these hurts need time to relief. Exchange fluctuations and different governmental decisions for part manufacturers are weaken them more and more. The question is what will hurt part manufacturers right now?
Khodrocar – part industry losses is not hidden to anyone and part manufacturer and even auto makers know them completely but during the past year, wounds of this industry didn’t relief and even they hurt more than before.

This year, the dollar price reached 60000 IRRs then unified in 42000 IRRs and part producers faced some big losses because they haven’t had 42000 IRRs dollar since one month after the government’s decision and automakers didn’t increase car prices.

After 15 days since parts makers take the 42000 IRRs dollars, only 20 percent of them were able to take their dollars. The secretary of the parts manufacturers association said that in the current condition importing part is more beneficial than producing.

"Part makers were struggling with different problems for years before like tax, insurance, banking issues, stock exchange for liquidity and these days exchange rate fluctuations and unifying it added to their problems. These problems can just be solved by the hands and decisions of the government.” Reza Rezaei, Member of the parts manufacturers association told Khodrocar reporter.

"The current condition of this industry is not very well but we hope that the government and policymakers would see the situation and do something to solve the problems of this strategic industry.” He added. "There are a few part makers who make to get the 42000 IRRs till now because the procedure of getting currency is  a little difficult for them.”

"Right now, part makers are waiting for their currency transfers and however this procedure is taking to long but they hope to get the 42000 IRRs dollar as soon as possible.” He continued.

"The government should have said the policies of getting the dollar before announced it but these days part maker are waiting for their dollars.” Rezaei told.

"Another predictable problem for part industry is not rising car’s price and not supplying the first materials because as long as a car doesn’t have a small part it can’t be handed to the customer.” He added.

While part makers and the parts manufacturers association mention importation as a beneficial business then there is a way to rescue this industry. On the other hand, exiting production for importing part may become a path to rescue form bankruptcy because till now all decisions had hurt them and reduce the production.  

Khodrocar Reporter: Negar Mir Karimi

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani