News ID: 2730
Publish Date : 31 May 2018 - 09:34

Tehran Is One of the Most Polluted Cities in The World

The number of cars in Tehran is increasing every day and its result is traffics in different periods of a day and they are polluting the air more and more which is a threat to citizens’ life.
Khodrocar – in the previous article we reviewed different aspects of traffic in Tehran and said some examples as a solution in this article we are going to cover the environmental aspects of traffics and high number of cars in Tehran and other major cities.

Statistics show that there are more than 20 million cars in Tehran and one fifth of them are riding in Tehran, which is 6 to 8 times more than Tehran’s infrastructure capacity. Also everyday 1033 more cars are added to this number which is going to worsen the condition of traffic. More traffic means, citizens’ lives are more in danger.

According to statistics, Tehran just had 13 clean days during the last year and its pollution rate was 4 times more than global standard. Studies show share of stable resources is 15% and moveable resources have the rest 85% of pollution resources share. One of the major moveable polluting resources are cars which caused the 11 days of schools off. In the year before last year, schools off days due to pollution were only 6 days and this increment reveal the bad condition of air pollution.

"Before talking about cars pollution, we have to mention the public transportation system needs of correction and bad procedure of urban building in Tehran because these two can reduce the traffic. In urban building, we just want to make a path for cars without thinking about people and as a result sidewalks and green transportation paths are not considered. Meanwhile, in big cities emphasize is on building sidewalks.” Said Zhoma Javaheri pour, an expert of environment.

"Consequences of traffic and air pollution caused by cars is not just breathing emissions but more than 20 million hours/day of citizens are spend in traffics. This will harm people physic and they have to tolerate stress and pressure all day in traffics.” She added.

"Experts are saying that citizens of polluted cities are living 9 to 10 years less and this shows the harmful effects of pollution on people health. Pollution is the reason of 11% of deaths in the world and its 4 times more than HIV death. According to the ministry of health, about 4810 person died in Tehran due to pollution in 1395.” Ehsan Bayat, an expert of health told Khodrocar reporter.

"The chance of any cancer, reducing immunity, breath illnesses like asthma are a side of pollution effects on people’s health. Also, pollution has trouble effects on environment and plants.” He added.  

Now, everyone is looking to responsible organizations to solve this problem as soon as possible. We are all waiting to see what decision would be made for controlling the pollution.  

Khodrocar Reporter: Fazel Suri

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani