News ID: 2696
Publish Date : 27 May 2018 - 09:15

Do Iranian Cars Reach The Standard Podium?

85 vehicle standards is starting from January 2019 and these days local and foreign auto makers are trying to improve themselves. Now, less than 6 months remaining till the execution of this law and only two foreign auto makers have achieved to get the national standard organization stars and there is no sign of local auto makers at all.
Khodrocar – according to the national standard organization local and foreign automakers and even importers have to follow 85 standards law. Meanwhile, 25 vehicles are in the quaee of production stop and other producers have to improve their products to reach the standards.  

Right now, local auto makers don’t have much time to reach the standards but it seems that they should have select at least one or two models to pass the standards.

These days competition between foreign vehicles is increasing. They are passing European standards alongside 85 Iranian standards. Meanwhile, importers are the most unsatisfied sectors because they believe that in the current situation, national standard organization’s law is a new problem.

These days, C3 from SAIPA- Citroen and Luxgen from Taiwan are the only vehicles which passed all 85 standards of Iran.

Right now, the missing point of the new law is empty place of local auto makers. At first, it seems that Iran would have one or two models to pass the standards but there is no sign of these companies. Iran is proud of two foreign cars which pass the standards which Iranian producers didn’t produce even a part of them. Current situation is not honorable at all.

"The weakness of local automakers is obvious and local producers are not able to pass all 85 standards at all. In the current situation importers are the main losers because all pressure is on their shoulders and no one would support them.” Said Mehrdad Mansouri, a member of Vehicle Importers Association.

"About 85 vehicle standards we have to say that the main pressure would be on importers because local producers won’t be able to pass them any time soon.” He added. "As it seems from the way of production in Iran, local producers are not going to pass the standards and also, automakers in Iran are governmental and ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade won’t accuse them and deadline of these standards will be extended for them.”

According to the national standard organization the last deadline for auto makers to obey the 85 standards would be January 2019 with no doubt. Meanwhile, automakers are producing their cars with 63 standards and improving them in a year seems a bit difficult. These days, automakers are struggling to produce better cars and importers are looking for cars which can pass the standards.

Khodrocar Reporter: Negar MirKarimi

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani