News ID: 2630
Publish Date : 19 May 2018 - 09:50

Buying Car or Bank Deposits, Which one is Better?

Exchange rate fluctuation in the first two months of the New Year and the bank’s rate of interest reduction has led people to invest in exchange, gold or even cars but buying car is called a good investment in the current situation?
Khodrocar – Buying cars for Iranian people is more than having a vehicle and it’s a way to save their money. Some buy cars to sell it with higher price after a moment and have benefits by this way.

Anytime, exchange rate rise and down or inflation rate increase, some people think that putting money in banks is a risk and believe that investing in gold, exchange rate of cars would be more beneficial. But is this believe true in the current economic condition?

"Whenever inflation appears cars would became expensive but car is a commodity. Putting money in banks is without risk but buying cars in the current condition is not logical.” Hamid Reza Safari, an expert of market told Khodrocar reporter.

"When the exchange rate changes and inflation appears everyone try to save their finance and money by buying some goods which are like exchange but cars are commodities and we have local and foreign cars and there is supervision for their pricing and they are not getting expensive easily so buying cars in this condition is not logical and somethings like gold which isn’t a commodity could keep its value.” He said.   

"Automobiles are not capital, and if everyone buy a car with this vision then what will happen to the economy development? If you put your money in the bank then bank will make jobs and have investment but by buying cars you won’t make jobs and it is wrong.” He said.

"For investing on cars you have to remember that cars have costs and become old fashioned during times, it also have other problems like insurance cost. Car’s market depends on supply and demand and it may transfer to lose instead of benefit in the long term.

"Buying Shares in stocks market is better than buying car or putting money in banks. Buying gold, car or exchange is not an investment. We have to encourage people to invest on stocks market and lead them to invest in this market instead of gold or cars. "Mohammad Hosein Sadraei said.

"We shouldn’t sacrifice national profits for our personal benefits. People are not buying cars because it would get expensive but they do it to keep their money value. If people invest their money on production part then we won’t face with fluctuation.” He added.

Experts are saying that buying cars which is a commodity is not logical because the car may have accidents or become old fashion and it may have periodic benefits. Therefore, investing in stocks market will help the national economy.

Khodrocar Reporter: Sepideh Ghazi Nejad

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani