News ID: 2686
Publish Date : 26 May 2018 - 09:50

The Confusion of People and Automakers In the Turbulent Automotive Market

The Islamic Parliament is dealing with issues like hoarding, high prices and global decision and meanwhile, the turmoil of automotive market confused the customers. Carmakers increased their prices and the insurance companies ready for price increments.
Khodrocar – These days, Iran’s national economy has many fluctuations. While companies and producers of different industries are still dealing with exchange rate fluctuations, United States got out of Iran’s Nuclear Deal (JCPOA) and this will cause a new problem.

They are worried about their future, new sanctions and the exit of new foreign investors form their industry. First impact of these decisions are the price increments of domestic and imported cars. Previously the imported vehicles price increase because of SABTARESH shutdown.

Now the Islamic Parliament entered the field with a new plan called: Organization of Market. 

Carmakers told Parliament’s commission of industries and mines during a meeting that considering the situation of country, domestic vehicle prices should increase; otherwise, they are going to have a big financial loss. However, the members of the commission believed that the price increments must be logical.

During this meeting, Consumers and Producers Protection Organization were set up to make a more detailed analysis about car prices and final report will be out these week in corporation with carmakers and MPs with the presence of Minister.

People and customers that doesn’t have good purchasing power, have their concerns too. The price increments will also include the vehicles under 450 million IRRs and the competition council still did not show any reactions regarding the issue. Chairman of Competition Council announced: In case of receiving an inflation rate, car prices will be determined.
This is while, before the prices are determined, some insurers companies increased their tariff prices by their own and this made the people.

Vali Maleki, member of Parliament’s commission of industries and maines and also Competition Council told Khodrocar regarding the issue: "The competition council have not decide about the under 540 million IRRs and Insurers have acted arbitrarily.”

He emphasizes: "None of our automakers increased their vehicle prices but in the black market the prices have fluctuations. We will analyze this issue.”

Khodrocar – It seems that the authorities must organize this mess as soon as possible. However, some experts believe that the interference of Parliament and Competition Council in this issue is non effective.

Khodrocar Reporter: Sepide Ghazinezhad
Khodrocar Translator: Maziyar Jafarieh