News ID: 2396
Publish Date : 16 April 2018 - 09:15

Vehicle Side Markets Are Going to Get Bold

Exchange rate fluctuations made the car deals stop during last week and the market for imported cars is in recession. On the other side, the importers didn’t do anything to make the situation better and there is the possibility that the side markets become more and more active.
Khodrocar – One month before the Iranian’s New Year, the imported vehicle market experienced a recession. There was some hope that in the beginning of the year 1397, the situation gets better but exchange rate fluctuation made everything worse.

In the same time, Market activists, especially Union’s chairman of Vehicle Dealers said that imported vehicle sales are stopped due to exchange rate fluctuations.

A week of market turbulence passes and the government announced an official exchange rate but it made no difference in imported vehicle markets.

Now, what are the long-term effects of this recession on imported car market?

Saeid Motameni, chairman of Vehicle Dealers’ Union tells Khodrocar regarding the issue: If this recession continues, side markets will get more and more bold and we will see the removal of the main markets.

He adds: Although imported car manufacturers are well known in the market, these companies are also lagging behind in market management. If the costumer does not reach his or her demand by these companies, side markets are the next best choice.
Limiting the market, leads to the creation of side and black markets but the question is why no authority even try to take the situation under control.

Chairman of Vehicle Dealers’ Union: Since the reopening of Sabtaresh, no vehicles have been delivered. The companies was busy trying to register and create side markets. In other countries, there is an official approval for car supply but in Iran, most companies make most of their benefits from side markets.

Khodrocar – The vehicle market started an stressful year and 7 days ago, when the dollar exchange rate passed 60 thousand IRRs, the imported vehicle market deals reach a dead end and side markets started to take shape.

For this reason, this market needs more supervision and support and support by the government and private sector.

Khodrocar Reporter: Negar Mirkarimi
Khodrocar Translator: Maziyar Jafarieh