News ID: 1953
Publish Date : 19 February 2018 - 09:33

Turbulent Market of Imported Vehicles

Conflicts between administrative justice court (divan edalat) and the government over the car import law has not ended after more than a week. This had made tensions in the market during its peak time.
Khodrocar – it’s been more than a week since the administrative justice court had established an instruction to stop the latest government’s import instruction and returning to the pervious laws, but the minister of Industry, Mine and Trade said that he didn’t receive any instructions yet. Meanwhile, the market of imported vehicles had shirinked in the recent weeks because importers are not sure about the future and customers can’t decide.

"Active companies in the field of cars are taking the instructions from the government not the administrative justice court. They should obey the latest government’s instruction which established after the opening of the order registration website.” Said Aghil Mostafaei, an expert of auto industry to Khodrocar reporter.

"Right now, the market is bewildered and the price bubble is because of the sudden tension in the exchange rate and tariff increment by the government instruction. On the other hand, customers aren’t sure about buying cars.” He added. "This condition could hurt the imported car market in the long term and in the short term, those who fear of price increment would buy. So, there is no request in the market right now.

"The new year market won’t be amazing and most of the companies had challenges till now. Unclear condition of exchange rate is frightening customers about loosing their money. It is not clear that the exchange rate will increase again or not? Or if the exchange rate decrease in the future or they receive the difference in price?” said Mostafaei .

"Companies’ troubles are doubled during the current condition. By increasing the amount of customer withdrawal, returning their money gets harder for importer companies and at the end they will have a conflict with the governmental controlling organizations and both sided have their rights. The customer has right to withdraw the purchase and the importer has spent the money on ordering, import and human sources wage. These things have made troubles in the market.” He continued.

Khodrocar Reporter: Mostafa Anisi

Khodrocar Translator:
Amin Zamani