News ID: 1894
Publish Date : 13 February 2018 - 10:56

CEO of Iran Khodro: Do Not Obstruct The Private Sector

Iran Khodro’s CEO said: As a manager, I insist that privatization is very important for the industry, Do Not Obstruct it.
Khodrocar – Hashem Yekkehzareh, said in the Fifth Iran Automotive Industry International Conference: "While we have few painting units in the country, why do you force the car makers to build a new one? Another question: How is that possible that Mercedes Benz and Hyundai didn’t pass our standards?”

He continued: "Iran Khodro and Saipa have no objection about a third pole in automotive industry.”

Yekkezareh clarified: "Iran Khodro and Saipa have the capacity to produce electric vehicles but the important factor in the "demand”. This demand depends on the government.”