News ID: 1761
Publish Date : 30 January 2018 - 09:15

Tire Price Increment Depends on Exchange Rate Condition

In the recent days, increasing the price of tires in the next year is whispering around, but the tire industry association denied this news and announced that tire price increment depends on the exchange rate stability.
Khodrocar – during the past recent weeks, everyone was focusing on the vehicle import tariffs, meanwhile, some rumors were about the tire price increment. During this occasion dollar price was in a great fluctuate and met 47000 IRRs in some days.

At the moment, most of producers and industries scared from the exchange rate increment and rumors about the price increment in different sections got bolder but chairman of the central bank, Vali o Allah Seif, promised the stability and price decrement.

Anxiety and fear of tire makers, auto makers and importers increased and even in some occasions, vehicle price increment heard because of the exchange rate fluctuate. However, this kind of rumors are natural for industries in the last months of the year and tire makers and importers are not an exception.

"Tire makers are trying to keep the price stable since the exchange rate is stable too.” Said Mostafa Tanha, the speaker of tire industry association. "Increasing the price is depends on the association decision and the association is not thinking about increasing the price since the price of the dollar is stable.”

"If the government couldn’t do the promises and exchange rate change again, then tire maker have to increase the price because they are struggling with difficult situation right now.” He added. "Industries and producers damaged by the 27 percent, increasing in dollar price, but tire makers tried to sync themselves with the conditions. Now, if they fluctuate continues tire makers have to make a new decision.”

"Tire price will increase alongside other things naturally, but there is no final decision for price increment right now.” He continued. "Tire makers are not damaged during the past months.”

Khodrocar Reporter: Negar Mir Karimi

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani