News ID: 169
Publish Date : 07 August 2017 - 11:44
Khodrocar reports from IDRO-Renault signing agreement (1);

The 660 million euros investment for car production/ Iran connects to Renault

IDRO CEO: Next year, we will produce 154 thousand vehicles of our first joint product and they will be available in the market; The first phase of investment is 660 million euros.
According to Khodrocar journalist, Mansour Moazami told Khodrocar during the signing agreement conference: After 10 months of intensive negotiation, it has been agreed to sign an agreement, with IDRO’s 20 percent participation. This is the tenth contract.

He adds: First phase of the investment will be 660 million euros and includes the production of Duster and Symbol models.

IDRO CEO said: By signing this contract, part makers and other partners will connect to Renault’s distribution network.

Moazami emphasized: This contract includes the chassis and gearbox production.
