News ID: 1230
Publish Date : 04 December 2017 - 15:33

Lotus to Become Ferrari-Fighting Brand, New Owner Says

If successful, the renaissance would mark a massive shift for the British brand.
Khodrocar - China-based Geely purchased a controlling stake in Lotus just a few months ago. Decision-makers are already working on an updated business plan to transform the niche British company into a credible Ferrari fighter.

Currently, the main selling point of Lotus' aging fleet of sports cars is that its models perfectly embody the famous "light is right" ethos. The company suffers from chronic under-investment, but that's set to change as Geely takes the reins.

"We are making plans; we want to bring back the heritage of Lotus to be one of the top performers in the luxury sports car segment," Geely boss An Cong Hui told British magazine Autocar. "Lotus used to be ranked alongside Ferrari and Porsche, so we need to come back in that rank again," he added.

Details about the product plan haven't been made public yet. Everything we know at this point comes from morsels of information that have seeped down from the top. One of them sheds light into the brand's first-ever SUV, which is tentatively scheduled to make its debut in the coming years. We also know Lotus has plans for a next-generation Elise, and it aims to bring the model back to the United States after a long hiatus.

Lotus' turn-around plans have always been wildly optimistic. This one surely is, too, but Geely has shown it has the cash, drive, and talent to turn around a seemingly moribund brand in record time.

Source: LeftLane News