News ID: 756
Publish Date : 25 October 2017 - 09:15

The Asian Continental Automotive Kingdom is Loading

Hearing the news about offers to purchasing European automaker's shares from the Chinese or Indian auto companies has become repetitious. It is anticipated that Asians would take the control of the global auto industry in the near future.
Khodrocar – Asian automakers became the major buyers of European auto manufacturers' shares and they took the control of some famous companies in the recent years. Also, the potential market and the benefits of building factories in Asia are the reasons to see the old continent as the future center of automobile manufacturing.

China and India are going further than Asia in the auto industry and they bought some European companies to have more participation in the global auto industry. China has the biggest auto market in the world and their products are popular even in other countries. But, what is making china to rule the global auto industry in the near future with such a little experience?

Vehicle leasing is a key of Chinese company's success all over the world. Some major Asian automakers such as Tata Motors, Chery, Geely, Jac, Faw and… were using this kind of sale in the past decade and took the control of Asian markets and they are going to succeed in Europe.

Major companies are building factories in china and signing contracts with local automakers in china, which shows the potential of this country in the field of automobiles. Recently, Tesla announced that it would build a factory in china soon. This news means that China would become the heart of the global auto industry.

Right now, Chinese automakers are going further that Asia and became the main shareholders of great auto companies. For example, Geely bought Volvo in 2010 during the great recession in Europe.

Geely paid 1.8 billion dollars to Ford for buying the Volvo, however, Ford paid 6.4 billion dollars to buy Volvo in 1999. Also, the Chinese company has 49.9 percent of proton and 51 percent of Lotus. It is good to know that Geely bought the Manganese Bronze company too.

The recent news says that 14 percent of PSA shares purchased by the dong Feng. As the result, PSA, released Opel from GM controls by the support of its Chinese partner. This could be a great reason to realize the influence of China on global auto industry.

Tata Motors is another Asian company which own great European auto makers. This company has Landrover and Jaguar under control and paid 2.3 billion dollars to ford in 2010 for them. The last shocking news in this field is about offers of Great Wall for purchasing the FCA. This has not been approved yet, but it is not denied either. As it seems. Asian companies, especially Chinese, Indian, Japanese and Korean are going to rule the global auto industry in the near future and it is not impossible at all.

Khodrocar Reporter: Fazel Suri

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani