News ID: 1102
Publish Date : 24 November 2017 - 09:15

“Bonro” Is Turning To A Trouble In Renault-IDRO Contract

Last week, Iran’s Seniors of automotive industry traveled to Paris, in order to solve the problems of Bonro Production Site which is not still available.
Khodrocar – A year ago, the draft of the contract signed between Renault and IDRO and Iran brought Bonro Production Site, which belongs to Saipa Group, into this contract. Soon after that, there were rumors about Saipa’s resistance to give over Bonro Production Site. Prolongation of the process of signing the final contract and the third partner, Naseh Holding Group was the evidences of Saipa’s resistance.

Last week, three months after the signing agreement, a delegation of Iran’s seniors of automotive industry has traveled to France to review the Renault deal. Mansour Moazami (Chairman of the Board of Directors of IDRO), Mohsen Salehinia (Deputy Minister of Iran’s Industry Affairs) and Amirhossein Ghanati (Director General of Automobile and Automotive Industries bureau) was present in this trip.

Now after the return of this delegation from France, Mohsen Salehinia confirms that there with transferring the Bonro.

He told Khodrocar regarding this issue: The joint venture is well advanced but there are problems about Bonro Production Site.

Salehinia, in response to the question that whether Iran will become one of the Renault hubs in the region said: If we finalize this contract, Iran will be the hub of three models in the region.

Now, due to the management changes in Saipa, we should wait and see whether the problem will solve or not.

Khodrocar reporter: Asal Dadashloo
Khodrocar translator: Maziyar Jafarieh