News ID: 1079
Publish Date : 21 November 2017 - 15:05

Auto Part Manufacturers Debts Will Pay Back Justly

Mohsen Ghasemi Jahrodi, new CEO of SAIPA Group announce his first plans for this automaker company.
Khodrocar - "The first step is recognizing the opportunities and threats. We can have dreams about platforms and future plans, but this company needs deep thinking and planning because of the 35500 Billion IRRs lose." Jahrodi said about his first plans to Khodrocar reporter. 

"Unfortunately, developments of SAIPA were financed from the working capital that belongs to the auto part manufacturer in the past recent years and during different CEOs not Mr.Jamali specifically." He said. 

"We have to analyze the liquidity challenge deeply. We are hoping to recognize the threats and opportunities with help of the minister of industry, mine and trade and the knowledge of our experts. SAIPA has "A" class human resource and we have to focus on meritocracy and don’t let the debts rise." Ghasemi Jahrodi Added.

"I promise to the auto part manufacturer that their debts will be paid back justly. SAIPA crisis won’t solve in one day and it needs thinking and managing plans to be solved. I'm hoping to have a great result when it's time to leave the company." He said.  

Khodrocar Reporter: Asal Dadashloo 
Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani