News ID: 1067
Publish Date : 21 November 2017 - 14:14

Most Hated Types of Drivers You Unfortunately Have to Put Up With

Have you cursed at anyone recently while driving? If so, you’re not alone.
Khodrocar - Anyone who has driven for any length of time has likely boiled over in anger about something a fellow driver did on the road. There’s something about driving in America that just brings out the worst in some people. (The statistics on driver deaths certainly don’t help.)

You might say it’s human nature — sure, people are selfish — but frankly we expect more from our fellow travelers on the road. We’re not saying we need you to wave us ahead at every intersection with a smile, but we can do better than hold up traffic or aggravate everyone on the same street or highway.

We won’t attempt to answer the riddle of why people act like jerks in their cars. However, we can point out the most hated drivers on U.S. roads. If you’re one of them, please stop. As for the rest of you responsible drivers, please continue being yourself. We need every one we can get.

*Honkers : No one likes being stuck in traffic. The only thing that makes it worse is when someone starts honking their horn like the apocalypse is near. We understand the frustration of sitting without moving, but horn honkers don’t make traffic move faster by beeping. On top of that, honkers who do their beeping in residential areas really grate on people’s nerves. If you want to provoke road rage in the nearest driver, just start honking.

*Texters : Maybe they’re texting, maybe they’re tweeting. Or maybe they just had to "like” something on Instagram before going back to watching the road. Whatever they’re doing on their phone, it creates danger for what’s probably the least important thing on the planet. Imagine getting into a crash and becoming paralyzed because someone wanted to add "lol” to someone’s Facebook post. Yes, we do believe there is a special place in hell for those who drive and socialize on a phone.

*Frantic lane changers: If you drive in Southern California often — and our condolences if you do — you surely know the species of driver we’ll call the frantic lane-changer. One second, they are behind you and move to your left to pass you. The next moment, they see an opening in front of you and switch back to your lane. After multiple maneuvers, they’ve gained maybe one car length. Next, you might see them try the right lane. These people somehow make heavy traffic even worse.

*Turn signal abusers: You can handle turn signals three ways:

1. Signal before turning
2. Signal but never turn
3. Never signal but turn anyway

Those who do anything but "1” on this list will incur the wrath of drivers everywhere. Seriously, how hard is it to signal before turning? We also don’t understand how someone can drive for miles on the highway without realizing their signal is still going. It freaks out everyone behind them. Fortunately, car makers have come up with smarter turn signals that go off on their own. They weren’t necessary, but here we are.

*Lane cutters: Everyone is waiting to make a turn or exit so there’s a slowdown. Courteous drivers wait their turn and proceed when they can. The rest simply disregard shame and take a free lane so they can cut inside and reduce their wait time. Most people have become used to this obnoxious style of driving and don’t do anything about it (i.e., honk, give the finger, or attempt to cut them off). But they’ll still hate the driver who pretends they don’t follow the same rules.

*Anyone who stops next to an open parking spot: Since we have seen this type of obnoxious driver for generations, we can’t pin it on Uber. Sometimes, you wonder why traffic has stopped as there seems to be no answer. When you make your way past the point of gridlock, you’ll see someone stopped next to an empty parking spot. Maybe it’s the UPS guy dropping off a package, but too often it is a driver who is too lazy to parallel park. While they do whatever they’re doing, the world will anxiously await their next move.