The story of part makers demands is continuing and it seems they won’t have their demands very soon because last payment of automakers backs to last July. Still, part-makers demand about 50 billion IRRs from automakers. Now the question is will part makers get their demands from auto makers?
News ID: 3037    Publish Date : 2018/07/27

Auto part importers are going to face new limitations same as vehicle importers soon. Their limitation is not banning the part importing but according to the government’s new instruction, auto part importers are getting involved with scrapping worn out cars.
News ID: 1680    Publish Date : 2018/01/21

Part manufacturing does not have a good condition right now and parts smuggling is an additional problem for this industry. Some part manufacturers are getting pissed off from smuggling increment.
News ID: 1631    Publish Date : 2018/01/15

Khodrocar Reports;
Automotive contracts are signed, one after another and it seems that auto part manufacturers will become bold but some auto industry experts say that the participation of auto part manufacturers are depending to the automakers.
News ID: 1142    Publish Date : 2017/11/27

Economic Stability is one of the key factors for developing the economic activities and due to an increase in the exchange rate in recent days, it seems that the Industrialists, especially the part makers will experience different days in the future.
News ID: 386    Publish Date : 2017/09/12