News ID: 3037
Publish Date : 27 July 2018 - 09:31

Auto Part Makers after their Overdue Claims

The story of part makers demands is continuing and it seems they won’t have their demands very soon because last payment of automakers backs to last July. Still, part-makers demand about 50 billion IRRs from automakers. Now the question is will part makers get their demands from auto makers?
Khodrocar – The story of part makers demand returns to two years ago, in those days production was at the peak. Those days automakers were producing more cars and they had money to give part makers. But now automakers are not in a good economy condition and can’t pay the demands of part makers. Their production has decreased and importing parts has been banned.

On the other side, the government banned the entrance of foreign government and Iran’s partnership with foreign automakers has been limited from America. According to the new sanctions which will begin from September, importing disrupted pieces will be banned.

Part makers were under pressure of governmental decisions during the past two years and suffer more from it but they never criticized and continued their production. Last year the government cut the currency exchange for part maker after that auto part and raw material price increased.

At the beginning of the New Year exchange rate fluctuation increased their pain. After that part makers return to the queue of governmental exchange but even they didn’t reach to the bought parts with 42000 IRRs dollar. Now part makers are blamed for half produced cars in the factory.

Nowadays, problems are showing themselves one after another and they even struggling with getting their demands from automakers. The last payment was last September. Auto makers have to pay near 70 thousand billion IRRs to part makers.

"Part makers demand is 150 thousand billion IRRs which 50 thousand billion of it has not been paid to the part makers. At the General Assembly of Iran Khodro and Saipa, the demands of the part makers were not explicitly considered, but it is clear that the problem of the part makers is to meet their demands.” Arash Mohebi Nejad, Secretary of part makers association told Khodrocar reporter.

"The irrefutable fact is that these numbers are plaguing the part makers. The most important point is that there is no policy about the part makers also they are not supporting the domestic product opposite the Year’s moto.” He added.    

Right now, after the last payment to the part makers, the value of money has decreased and even experienced part makers are closing their business because they couldn’t match income and costs. It seems that two major automakers should help the strategic and base industry more than before.

Khodrocar Reporter: Negar Mir Karimi

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani