News ID: 1381
Publish Date : 18 December 2017 - 09:20
KhodroCar Reports;

Opening 2 New Investigation Cases about Imported Vehicles Situation

It is 5 months since the vehicle order registration website got closed and there is a chaos in the imported vehicle’s market. Now, there are some whispers about opening the website with some unusual tariffs.
KhodroCar – Yesterday, the governmental committees of industry, transportation and environment had a meeting to discuss the latest instruction of the ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade for organizing the vehicle importation. However, the negative effects of closing SABTARESH website and the market’s chaos just forced the Inspection Organization of Iran to open two new cases about this issue.

"Vehicle market was doing great and had no problem, but after the website shut down, prices increased enormously.” Said Seraj, head of the Inspection Organization of Iran. "Two new cases are opened just for this issue and all the suspects will be introduced to people soon.”

"Some automakers did abuse the situation and increased their product's price and people were forced to pay more for cars and we will certainly deal with them.” Added Seraj due to the high price of local vehicles.

The main point of the Seraj’s Speech about the vehicle import and closing the vehicle order registration website for a long time was abusing of some people. This chaos was started with the government’s wrong decision and the pressure on people made the Inspection Organization of Iran to interfere and support people.

Now, we have to wait to see what name will be announced as the suspects of the two new cases which Seraj mentioned and what do they have to say to people who bought their cars with 30 percent price increment.

KhodroCar Reporter: Reza Hosseini

KhodroCar Translator: Amin Zamani