News ID: 4885
Publish Date : 03 July 2024 - 17:42

“Amico’s Presence at the Sadr Exhibition Introducing Job Opportunities”

The Sadr Job Opportunities Exhibition was held by Jolfa Azad University in collaboration with the Applied Scientific Center of Amico Group in the Aras Free Zone.

Khodrocar- According to the public relations department of Aras Diesel (Amico), the first Sadr event (Industry, University, Employment) aimed to familiarize students with the industries located in the Aras Free Zone and introduce job opportunities to job-seeking students.

“Amico’s Presence at the Sadr Exhibition Introducing Job Opportunities”
Amico’s educational and applied scientific center, located in the Jolfa Free Zone, also participated in this event. They showcased some of Amico Group’s products to visitors and registered interested individuals for future employment opportunities.

“Amico’s Presence at the Sadr Exhibition Introducing Job Opportunities”

“Amico’s Presence at the Sadr Exhibition Introducing Job Opportunities”

“Amico’s Presence at the Sadr Exhibition Introducing Job Opportunities”

It’s worth mentioning that this one-day event, hosted by Jolfa Azad University, allowed various manufacturing and industrial companies present in the Aras Free Zone to highlight job opportunities and share their achievements with students.