News ID: 4423
Publish Date : 19 October 2022 - 15:20

A way to compensate for the losses of car manufacturers

The head of the component industry association said: the loss of automobile manufacturers has reached 120 thousand billion tomans, and the continuation of this loss can be prevented by listing on the stock market.
Khodrocar - Mr. Mohammadreza Najafi Manesh added: The loss of car manufacturers due to mandatory pricing is increasing day by day, and now since 2013 when mandatory pricing was implemented, this loss has reached 120 thousand billion tomans. In order to compensate for this loss, the government needs to cancel the mandatory pricing and no longer interfere in the affairs of car manufacturers, and that it must pay the amount of the loss.
According to the head of the country'sParts Manufacturing Association, according to Article 44 of the law, if a company suffers a loss due to the government's intervention and the pricing it has done, it is obliged to pay this loss itself, so now the government must cover the loss of car manufacturers in a part of the budget. Consider and stop ordering pricing.
Najafi Menesh said that the only way to compensate for the loss is to cancel the mandatory pricing and said: After canceling the pricing, it is possible to prevent the continued loss by offering the car in the stock market and pricing in it, and after that, considering this loss in the budget, we can help the car manufacturers. did Now this loss has made the debt of automobile manufacturers to component manufacturers to reach more than 46 thousand billion tomans and their debt to banks has also increased.
He further added: With the current situation, car manufacturers will not only not grow, but will also regress, and their situation will worsen day by day.
 The head of the Association of Parts Manufacturing Industries of the country said: the reason for the increase in this loss is the increase in the price of raw materials, which is calculated at the global rate, and car manufacturers are forced to buy it at the daily rate, but sell the car at the previous price.