The head of the component industry association said: the loss of automobile manufacturers has reached 120 thousand billion tomans, and the continuation of this loss can be prevented by listing on the stock market.
News ID: 4423    Publish Date : 2022/10/19

Were less than a month away from Tehran Motor Show and that is while various incidents like US sanctions against Iran, bad economy and self-sanctioning like banning the imports of foreign vehicles turned this motor show to a perfect playground for the mafia of domestic car manufacturers.
News ID: 3354    Publish Date : 2018/10/01

Chinese automakers, especially those that work with foreign firms to manufacture vehicles in China, traded in the red on Wednesday.
News ID: 2422    Publish Date : 2018/04/19

Khodrocar Reports;
Iran's auto part manufacturing industry is looking forward to the contracts between local automakers and foreign counterparts, except from its own contracts, to have a chance for increasing the production and quality. But does the auto part industry find a chance to shine by the quality of productions in the auto industry?
News ID: 958    Publish Date : 2017/11/12

The move comes as GM announces its withdraw from the extremely competitive market.
News ID: 437    Publish Date : 2017/09/20

Economic Stability is one of the key factors for developing the economic activities and due to an increase in the exchange rate in recent days, it seems that the Industrialists, especially the part makers will experience different days in the future.
News ID: 386    Publish Date : 2017/09/12