News ID: 4421
Publish Date : 19 October 2022 - 15:04

Scrapping needs motivation/ Owners need motivation to scrap their cars

According to the law of organizing cars, last year scrapping of about 500,000 prediction devices was realized, but only scrapping of 30,000 cars was realized, which indicates the lack of motivation for this among the owners of used cars.
Khodrocar - Undoubtedly, one of the reasons for the lack of motivation for scrapping cars is its low and unrealistic price, because according to the laws, there are ways to scrap cars, one of which is import.

According to the regulation compiled in 2016, which was not yet banned, the importer was obliged to scrap 6 cars for every car imported. In that period of time, importation was the only way to scrap cars, and its ban had adverse effects on scrapping centers because no other law required the owners of these cars to scrap them, so we saw the widespread closure of these centers.

At the beginning of this year, at the same time as the car import regulations were drafted, it was decided to scrap two used cars for every car imported, which is questionable when the number of these cars has increased. According to the officials of the Ministry of Imports, import is one of the ways to modernize the transport fleet, and making imports conditional on the scrapping of worn-out cars shows the government's focus on importing economic cars to the country.

At the same time, Mohammad Hossein Gudarzi, the head of the automobile working group of the scrapping and recycling industry union of the country, in a conversation with the auto dealer, emphasizing the need to increase the motivation of car owners to deliver used cars, says: This will not be achieved unless the price of used cars becomes real, so it is necessary Is refurbishing used cars by adding an amount to the current price.

Referring to the promulgation of the automobile industry regulation law in June of this year, he adds: According to this law, one car (motorcycle, truck, passenger vehicle, etc.) should be scrapped for every four cars produced, but despite the 2008 resolution of the Council of Ministers , car manufacturers have not had a recall and do not consider themselves obliged to comply with this law.

It is planned to produce about 1,200 to 1,400,000 devices annually, and with this process, about 350,000 devices should be scrapped every year, which did not happen in practice.
Referring to the increase in the number of scrapping centers to 220 centers, Guderzi emphasizes and specifies the need to create enthusiasm in the delivery of worn out devices. One percent of the price of a car based on the production numbers and the government approved price is about 2,950,000 Tomans, which if multiplied by four will be 11,800,000 Tomans. They are among the weak sections of the society, and only when the price of used cars becomes real, this incentive is created, while the government has put forward a proposal of 1%, which, if approved, should wait for the final days of scrapping. 

According to him, the approval of a number above 2% can create the necessary motivation for the owners of worn-out vehicles, while half of the air pollution will be reduced with the correct implementation of the law on organizing cars, and every year, about 30 million tomans of gasoline will be saved for scrapping each car.

At the end of the approval of the government's bill regarding the deposit of the scrapping fee by car and motorcycle manufacturers to the National Fund of the Environmental Protection Organization in the parliament, Godarzi considers it far from reality and states: Considering the atmosphere prevailing in the parliament and the awareness of the people's representatives Due to the fact that decommissioning old cars can solve many problems in the country, the approval of this bill in the parliament seems unlikely, and its approval by the government is also surprising and may have been influenced by some circumstances.