According to the law of organizing cars, last year scrapping of about 500,000 prediction devices was realized, but only scrapping of 30,000 cars was realized, which indicates the lack of motivation for this among the owners of used cars.
News ID: 4421    Publish Date : 2022/10/19

Domestic car makers are exempt of scrapping their now worn out vehicles while the process was up to car importers and now the vehicle importation is totally banned. The question is how long the car makers are going to keep their production while being exempt of scrapping worn out vehicles?
News ID: 3274    Publish Date : 2018/09/13

Scrapping cars industry is surfing on governmental decisions and exchange rate impacts and they are waiting for 2M certificates. In this situation all scrap yards are not working and jobbers are using this condition.
News ID: 2714    Publish Date : 2018/05/29