News ID: 432
Publish Date : 19 September 2017 - 10:58
Khodrocar Reports:

Vehicle Import Registration Website to Open Up Again Next Week

Iran Trade Promotion Organization CEO announced the vehicle import registration website is going to open up again next week for the importers.

Khodrocar – Since two and half month ago so many different reasons were brought up to justify why the vehicle import registration website (Sabtaresh) was shot down. Yet in the end, Mojtaba Khosrotaj, CEO of Iran Trade Promotion Organization (TPO) announced that the very registration website is going to open up again next week for the importers following the new import guidelines.

The new vehicle import guideline was sent to the cabinet last year and at last it was decided that some adjustments are needed to finalize the guideline. Yet there are no more details available about the new vehicle import guideline.

Khodrocar Translator: Mostafa Anisi