News ID: 4296
Publish Date : 13 February 2021 - 09:00

Important promise of parts manufacturers to automakers / defective commercialization by the end of the year

With less than 40 days left until the end of this year, automakers are still grappling with non-commercial vehicles and trying to commercialize those vehicles, most of which are still waiting for single parts, but based on Carmakers are expected to start the new year with the least amount of defective cars.
Khodrocar - The process of producing defective cars, which has become one of the main concerns of the automotive industry in the last two years, although it continues these days, but its number has decreased sharply compared to recent times, which may be part of this trend. Attributed internalization projects.

Manufacturers attribute the deficit to a shortage of single parts, some of which remain at customs and some are still awaiting foreign exchange allocation by the central bank. In this situation, the question arises that with the implementation of the production leap program, what will be the fate of defective cars in car manufacturers' parking lots? With less than 40 days left until the end of the year, parts makers have promised to significantly reduce the number of defective cars by the end of the year in negotiations with automakers.

Maziar Biglou, secretary of the Association of Manufacturers of Auto Parts and Assemblies, said in an interview with Khodrokar, referring to the decreasing trend of defective cars: "Definitely, zero defective cars will be achieved in the automakers' parking lot in a few months, because production circulation The two carmakers are now increasing daily and this amount will increase again with the injection of facilities.

He adds: "The first factor in the production of incomplete cars is the lack of liquidity to supply parts, and the second reason is the deficit of single parts, which if the Central Bank accelerates the process of allocating currency, as promised by the Governor, and also pays new facilities." Liquidity will be provided.

"The meeting concluded that we would start the new year with a small number of defective cars in the event of an emphasis: the number of defective cars projected for next year is acceptable," Bigelow said. It has always been in the automaker's work process.

The secretary of the Parts Manufacturers Association announces the number of current defective cars at about 100,000 units: At present, there is no problem in supplying trim parts or interior decorations, and if there is a problem in supplying parts, there is no problem in supplying single parts. And it was electronics that either remained in customs or their currency has not yet been provided.

Referring to the favorable cooperation between customs and parts manufacturers in the field of parts clearance in recent times, he said: "The current problem is the time-consuming mechanism of providing foreign exchange by the central bank, which if it provides liquidity and currency, will definitely start the new year with We will start with the least incomplete car.

Regarding the ability of component makers to keep pace with automakers in the leap of production, Bigelow said: "The capacity of component makers is now greater than the capacity of automakers, so that the capacity created in the parts industry is ready for the annual production of three million vehicles. They now produce no more than one million units.

The secretary of the Association of Manufacturers of Auto Parts and Assemblies continues: "We hope that the required liquidity will be provided in the last two months of the year with new facilities, while the automakers have promised to sell their surplus property, but these are only housing and the definitive cure for this trend." , Is to correct the price of the car so that the automaker does not lose, which if this trend is realized, the automaker will be able to cover and provide the required liquidity within a year.

Referring to the remarks of Minister of industry  regarding the construction of assemblies in the parts industry with the aim of reducing the cost price, Biglou also states: The implementation of this issue is very useful in some industries and at the same time will not have the necessary efficiency in some materials. Seeing which part of this case will be fruitful and effective.