News ID: 3302
Publish Date : 18 September 2018 - 08:00

Auto Part Industry: At the Verge of a Brake down

Lack of auto parts lead to production of roughly 70 thousand incomplete vehicles stashed in companies. But 20 thousand vehicles were completed in car manufacturers summer holidays. However, there are still another 50 thousand incomplete vehicles left.
Khodrocar – Since the beginning of summer, some issues like the increment of exchange rate, exchange rate differentiation etc. almost 70 thousand incomplete vehicles were produced by the domestic car manufacturers.

In the last week of August, the chairman of Auto Part Manufacturers Association said that in the 15 days summer holidays of car manufacturers, 29 thousand of these incomplete vehicles were finally completed. Question is that now the releasing process of imported auto parts in the customs have become facilitated, how many of these incomplete vehicles are going to be completed?

"The release process of goods and parts in the customs have been facilitated but some of them are still facing some difficulties. The number of incomplete vehicles left has not changed because those 29 thousand were completed in summer holidays and now the car manufacturers are all focused on their current and on the line productions. Considering high production volume of car manufacturers, completing a large part of these incomplete vehicles is unlikely.” Said Arash Mohebbinejad, chairman of Auto Part Manufacturers Association.

Auto Par Manufacturers Alert their Destruction
"It is the most important to set up a committee against sanction imposed on automobile industry. Otherwise it is our duty to say that the association and the auto part industry is at the verge of a major collapse. In order to prevent that, this industry needs to be supported to stay on his own.” Said the Chairman.

Referring to the facilitation of goods release from customs, he added: "There are no exact statistics of the released goods because many of them are facing monetary problems.”

Khodrocar – Although the release of goods from customs started on Saturday but there are no exact statistics about them.

Khodrocar Journalist: Negar Mirkarimi
Khodrocar Translator: Mostafa Anisi