News ID: 2825
Publish Date : 15 June 2018 - 09:18

The Calm Move of Automakers on the Standard Fuel Road

There is only one week left till the start of second phase of fuel standard accordance but are automakers able to match themselves with the new standards while they are struggling with dollar price increment? They have to match themselves till as soon as possible.
Khodrocar – January 2019 (1397) is the start time of execution and supervision of 85 vehicle standard plan but these hard standards are not starting at once but it started from 2016 (1395) and launch periodically to ease the pressure on automakers.
Fuel standards accordance is executing in 2 phases and it has been announced that the first phase was a great success.

Now, only two weeks left till the deadline of execution of these standards but ministry of Industry and national standards organization hasn’t published a list yet. However, ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade believes that these standards aren’t a part of 85 vehicle standards but experts think opposite. Naturally, if automakers want to pass 85 vehicle standards, they have to pass the fuel standard part too.

Right now, Iranian automakers have one week to match themselves with fuel standards otherwise, the production of left out vehicles will stop. According to the ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade since the beginning of this plan automakers have achieved great goals but it won’t be approved till the automakers pass the standards.

"Typically, the standards of automakers are subject to specific international criteria but the government is the supervisor for most of these standards and they are not doing well.” Naser Raeesi Fard, Chairman of fuel station association told khodrocar reporter. "now the national standards organization is the supervisor of these standard and it seems they are more serious about this.”

"The quality of fuel depends on refineries production and infrastructure of some of them is old. We have to tell people that quality of gasoline is increasing alongside the price increment. Also, increasing the gasoline quality is preventing the fuel trafficking and many environmental diseases.” He added.

The second phase of fuel standards control will start in one week and the date of third phase will be announced soon to open the path for 85 vehicle standards.

Khodrocar Reporter: Negar Mir Karimi
Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani