News ID: 2527
Publish Date : 04 May 2018 - 13:23

Trump to Meet With Automakers

The White House is planning a meeting next week with President Donald Trump and senior leaders of major U.S. and foreign automakers to discuss planned fuel efficiency rule changes through 2026, automakers and administration officials told Reuters on Wednesday.
Khodrocar - The meeting, expected on May 11 with CEOs and other senior executives of large automakers, comes as the Trump administration has drafted a proposal that would freeze fuel efficiency requirements at 2020 levels through 2026.

California and 16 other states on Tuesday filed suit to block the Trump administration's efforts to weaken the requirements.

General Motors, Ford Motor Co., and Toyota Motor Corp. are among at least a dozen automakers expected to attend the meetings. A White House spokeswoman and the companies declined to comment.

Source: Automotive News