News ID: 2475
Publish Date : 27 April 2018 - 09:15

Scrap Yards are in Recession

Chairman of scrap yards and recycling association has said that 90 % of vehicle scrap yards are shut down and rest of them are not in good condition. Meanwhile, number of scrap yards, is rising every day.
Khodrocar – auto industry and its related industries has been shocked by the government’s decisions in the past year. Decisions like shutting down SABTARESH website for 6 months, axing part manufacturers exchange currency, changing vehicle import tariffs, full support for the two local automakers and at last administrative justice court’s (Divan e Edalat) decision.

These decisions have put obstacles in front of vehicle production and import, also, put a lot of trouble in the way of other related industries. These issues still making trouble for scrap yards.

"Right now, 90 % of scrap yards are shut down and rest of them don’t have good conditions. Scrap yards have been in recession for more than three months since February last year.” Mostafa Joodi, chairman of scrap yards and recycling centers association told Khodrocar reporter.

"These centers established by the direct investment from the private sector and supervision of the transportation and fuel management organization as a part of a vehicle renovation plan. The transportation and fuel management organization is just increasing the number of these centers without thinking about their future. These scrap yards haven’t had a clear duty since the first day.” He added.

"Scrap yards are not in a good shape after SABTARESH shut down and vehicle import decreased. Also, scrapping vehicle law dismissed by the government regarding to the power of local automakers. On the other hand there was a law for scrapping vehicles in free zone provinces and again it didn’t executed and now it’s forgotten.” Said Joodi, chairman of scrap yards and recycling centers association.

"The program of worn-out vehicles which planned to reduce the air pollution and make the city’s look better is still in the shadow.” He continued. "As long as there is no focus on legislating and defining the mechanisms and ultimately the implementation of the work, we will not be able to quit such a system.”

Scrapping vehicle and the existence of these centers is depending production and import. Now the domestic automakers are exempted from scrapping their own products, the heavy duty of scrapping vehicles is on the shoulders of importers while they have other obstacles to deal with. Meanwhile, scrap yards are eyeing on the government decisions to rescue and dodge the danger of early death.

Khodrocar Reporter: Negar Mir karimi

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani