News ID: 2413
Publish Date : 18 April 2018 - 09:15

How Are Cars Smuggled?

It has been two months that there are discussions about car smuggling, a subject, which has different numbers, from 5 thousand to 19 thousand.
Khodrocar – Ministry of Industry, mine and trade shut down the SABTARESH for the importers under the pretext of updating the website. However, later they said that this was in order to support the domestic products. The website has been reopened on January 2018.

But it has been made clear that while the website was shot down, the imported vehicles kept importing to the country. The issue, which the importers believed that it was an infraction and called it "Smuggling”. The issue seems unreal and weird and there is a question that, how is it possible to smuggle this huge number of vehicles to the country?

No vehicle could pass the gates of customs until it has a car registry code but some importers was able to import their vehicles without this code, while SABTARESH was shut down.

Foroud Asgari, Chairman of Customs announced that 6 thousand vehicles has been imported to the country while SABTARESH was shut down. Due to this situation, the only organization that is responsible for this is Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade.

Now, we have several thousand vehicles, which has not been imported to the country, but not by smuggling. They have been imported legally but in an illegal time.
Now the Trad Promotion Organization of Iran, which is responsible for the shutdown of sabtaresh for 9 months, must break its silence and explain about this skillful manner to smuggle the imported cars.

Recently, Iran’s Customs talked about the issue few times but Trade Promotion Organization remained in silence.

Khodrocar Reporter: Asal Dadashloo
Khodrocar Translator: Maziyar Jafarieh