News ID: 2367
Publish Date : 12 April 2018 - 09:15

Is Vehicle Price Going to Increase Again?

After a lot of tensions, dollar exchange rate finally stood still on 42000 IRRs. But what are the effects of this tensions on vehicle importers, manufacturers and raw material suppliers?
Khodrocar – Wednesday ended with a lots of tensions in exchange rates and the dollar exchange rate increased from 54 thousand to 62 thousand IRRs. Many people have been bankrupt with these tensions.

However, late that night, First Vice-President of Iran announced the real exchange rate of dollars and disappointed the brokers.

However, the main challenge now is that, how this 42 thousand IRRs dollar will be supplied while it has become scarce and how the vehicle importers, manufacturers and part manufacturers are going to be supplied.

Now the important question is that what is the faith of these industries, which depend on dollar exchange rate?

Abdollah Babaei, an automotive industry expert, tells Khodrocar regarding the issue: Actually, the prices of vehicles and other goods will not increase; they just adapt themselves with the new exchange rate and become realistic.

He continues: The price of imported automotive part will also increase and other parts come in at a price difference of 70 percent.

He believes that the price of other vehicle part will increase from 50 to 70 percent.
The automotive industry expert emphasizes: In the coming months, some of the items that are directly linked to the exchange rate are immediately reacted and the other items that are indirectly related to the exchange rate will react with delay.

In the year 2012 and 2013, Iran experienced huge exchange rate fluctuation and increment. The prices increased about 50 to 200 percent and the vehicles was not an exception.

Khodrocar Reporter: Negar Mirkarimi
Khodrocar Translator: Maziyar Jafarieh